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Noble Genius
July 22, 2021 4:10 pm

Guys on ESPN ……Just now 1st discussed that is it has moved to the “Likely Mode” that Texas and OU move to the SEC . And then they discussed a scrambling of conferences and asked “What football programs have an attractive brand that would make them an desired football program to add ..say …some sort of “Super Conference “.

Noble Genius
July 22, 2021 4:11 pm
Reply to  HOF19

Could this really happen ↑↑↑↑↑ ?

Noble Genius
July 22, 2021 5:35 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

In my lifetime and 55 years of being a USC Trojan fan I can say that if 20-30 years ago they put together a “Super Conference” in college football my USC Trojans would have been one of the first five programs in the entire country considered for that conference ……….Now we might still be considered but REGRETFULLY not one of the first five (In my opinion ) . But as always ………FIGHT ON !

San Diego Trojan
July 22, 2021 10:19 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Interesting because Texas already has the lucrative Longhorn network, their own channel, so if anything you would think they would go independent. Instead of joining the SEC, it would be a bold move if Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St, and either Texas Tech or TCU, join forces with the PAC 12 schools, maybe minus Oregon St, and Wash St, and form their own super conference. They can call it the Pacific Southwest conference, with two divisions. The money provided from TV and other sources, would at least rival the Big 10 payouts, and provide fertile recruiting grounds for all involved. The… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
July 22, 2021 11:26 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Thanks for the extra info. Didn’t know about the concessions with the Longhorn network. Still, outside of more money, why would you want to join such a top heavy conference where you beat each other up? Even if the playoffs are expanded and 3 or more conference teams get in each year, there is only one conference winner, and if Texas struggles in the Big 12, how soon before fickle young recruits decide to go to one of the “other” schools in the conference. Clemson has the right idea by knowing there is little competition in the ACC to recruit… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
July 23, 2021 12:03 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

i don’t like the ACC/PAC merger because of alumni and team travel. It’s seems too desperate and not a good fit, like West Virginia being part of the Big Twelve, but I wholeheartedly agree that something has to be done, and quick.

Genius Member
July 23, 2021 8:49 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Good morning Allen. I agree that options for USC, PAC-12 & BIG12 are limited. There really isn’t anyone that the PAC-12 could add that would actually improve the competition of the league. Being on the west coast makes a USC move to another league impractical. IMO joining up with the BIG10 is the best of the less than overwhelming choices. I Think going independent is even less of an option than it was before. But I still think that USC , even in its weakened state, is the school with the most options and leverage. Oregon has leverage too. The… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
July 23, 2021 8:56 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I don’t think you are overreacting at all. At least you are trying to think outside the box, which is something the new commish and PAC 12 presidents and AD’s better do quickly. I have a feeling the Big 10 is very comfortable with their present setup,and payout structure, and would probably be good adding Norte Dame and maybe Iowa State. Just my opinion

San Diego Trojan
July 23, 2021 9:07 am

I think the best way for the PAC to be relevant again is a commitment from every school President to be ready to invest in the best facilities, coaches, NIL, etc, and start scheduling more out of conference big dogs, and BEAT them on a regular basis, including bowls games. Make the playoffs on a regular basis, and just as important, make sure the games are on early enough that people across the country can see them! I agree that you just don’t want to add second tier schools as filler. Sometimes more is less

Terrific Tommy
July 21, 2021 9:16 pm

Not sure where this should be posted or if it already has — but I just learned that Bobby Bowden (91) is terminal. Of all the winning coaches of that era, IMO Bobby was classy and one of the good guys. They didn’y say what he had.

John Weld
Major Genius
John Weld
July 21, 2021 3:56 pm

Yahoo Sports is reporting that Oklahoma and Texas have reached out to the SEC about joining their conference. At their respective media days, they all said that they had no comment on the report.

Major Genius
July 21, 2021 4:54 pm
Reply to  John Weld

So, OK and TX rebuff the P-12, we got Colorado and Utah instead, and now OK and TX want into the SEC. Another L. Scott missed opportunity.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 21, 2021 8:52 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Still cracks me up the the Big 10 has 12 teams and the Big 12 has 10. These are major academic universities in the world! But they can’t count to 10!

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 21, 2021 8:15 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Tick Tock Tick Tock… Only 4 months and 11 days till December 1st. The Helton Era will be over by then.

Noble Genius
July 21, 2021 11:54 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I just had to post. Please forgive me for you all you know my position – I see The 2021 SC Helton Cats at 6-6 and in 4th in the Pac 12 South. I believe UCLA, ASU and Utah all have better teams and are better coached. The only chance SC has in 2021 is its schedule, which is the easiest in decades. On the other hand, UCLA has a brutal schedule; give 2021 UCLA schedule to the 2021 SC team and SC would probably be 4-8. Give SC schedule to UCLA and it is probably 10-2. I do not… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 21, 2021 3:50 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, That is an all time post. Best summary of The Cat I have read! Epic! The man who turn SC into Boise State in six short years.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 21, 2021 8:40 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I would say most news media is very unprofessional and sports media is worse. Most sports media don’t watch games and don’t know what they are talking about. The quote “Clay Helton has suffered mightily”! Clay Helton has been paid mightly for a job he is under qualified for! USC fans remember Howard Jones, John McKay, John Robinson and Pete Carroll! We know a great coach when we see one. Clay Helton is not! Hell, Lane Kiffen, Ed Orgeron and Steve Sarkisian (drunk) are better coaches than Kitty Cat!

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 21, 2021 9:39 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I will still give USC Admin a break because 2020 was nothing in a generation event. Hard to make big moves when there is such turmoil. It will take well into 2022 for the world to get some stability. I still say December 2021 USC has a new head football coach.

San Diego Trojan
July 22, 2021 10:38 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

This is just a hunch, based on Bohn’s moves so far, but I can see, if Clay struggles again, like we expect, that he is replaced by Donte Williams. It would be an easy move for Bohn, especially if the defensive staff is performing well, because he doesn’t want to lose the best recruiter, and the head coach is the motivator and staff manager, and if he can talk a kid into coming to SC, then maybe he can get more out of them than Clay. All he would have to do is change the offense and staff and install… Read more »

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 20, 2021 4:16 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

WOW!!! That’s a little more than stipend money! Is he even the most marquee player in the country? We thought it could get crazy but that is putting it mildly.

Noble Genius
July 20, 2021 5:38 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, This is exactly what I thought would happen. Clay CANNOT survive in this environment. The true stars will be making 7-8 figures per year. With the transfer rules AND the Trojan Family despising Clay (and we all do) AND Folt having declared war on the Trojan Family (and she did), if Clay does what we except next year, unless changes are made quickly, SC will become AZ in 2022. The stars at SC have to potential at make 7 figures a year. But, if the Trojan Family walks away, that potential disappears. Clay simply cannot stay. If he does,… Read more »

Genius Member
July 19, 2021 3:35 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Mr Wallace,
There is a difference between Helton and Chip Kelly.
Coach Kelly coached for Oregon and led them to the NC game. Did you know that?
And he also coached in the NFL.
He is not a new coach on his job and was a good bet.
But Helton had NeVEr coached as a head coach ever.
Is that a difference in vetting?
And the results are proving it.
The USC basketball is doing better than football.
USC is not a football school anymore.

Major Genius
July 19, 2021 4:22 pm
Reply to  usc50

While you are technically correct in your assessment of Chip Kelly 50, he is not the coach that beat a hasty retreat from college football several years ago. At Oregon Kelly was a gimmick coach. He used the rules of football to create and use the no huddle offense. Basically when the ball was marked ready for play they snapped the ball. He used the platoon system to an advantage. Often the only reason his team advanced the ball was because they caught the defense between changes. Once this system was figured out, substitution rules changed, and most teams adjusted… Read more »

July 19, 2021 3:53 am

I’ve been saying 9-3 for months now and am sticking to that. Losses to ND, ASU and a random one such as UCLA, BYU or Utah. In my heart I hope my alma mater does better than that, but I don’t see a miracle in South Bend and we’ve always had problems against dual threat QBs like Daniels at ASU. I’m just looking forward to the upcoming season now that we are in the “dog days of Summer”. Fight On!

July 20, 2021 5:25 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I wouldn’t say SC has a lot of “dogs”. IMHO, USC will never be tough under Clay Helton. As we all know, he’d rather hug than fight. Clay’s a nice guy in the wrong job. I think we all know that. I long for the day he is gone!

Noble Genius
July 19, 2021 10:33 am
Reply to  rleeholder1

Interesting split on this Board; you are the optimist at 9-3 (most of the main line media and the authors of the above article agree with you), Allen (and Greg Katz) are at 8-4, Rock is at 7-5 and I am the most pessimistic (or realistic) at 6-6 (Stu Mandel is the only analyst I know of who sees things as I do). I agree with Allen that the above piece is pure fantasy. But I give the authors a break as that Board came up the the nickname of the The Cat for Clay. It will be interesting to… Read more »

Major Genius
July 18, 2021 9:06 pm

Rose colored glasses only work if you are myopic. The Cat is too busy playing with balls of yarn (yes I am referring to his manhood) and sniffing catnip to be effective. Every coordinator on the team thinks they run the team and all they have to do is wave a laser pointer up field and they’ve disarmed the Cat. It’s time for the administration to get their eyes checked. They can have all the toys in the box, but without direction and protection, they will break easily. Without effective leadership the Trojans are Washington State wannabe with one failed… Read more »

July 18, 2021 4:57 pm

Maybe SC went Air-Raid because it did not have the horses up front to create a stout running game. Besides, SC had an over-stocked stable of NFL-caliber receivers, and pass-blocking is easier to implement than run-blocking. More importantly, the SC coaches were desperate to immediately win some games in order to salvage their jobs…. But an over-emphasis on passing is a short-sighted approach to winning because balanced attacks are the time-tested recipe for long-term success…. Passing may overwhelm a San Jose State, but the Trojans lack of a running attack gives it virtually no chance to stay with a Notre… Read more »

July 18, 2021 5:24 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Talking about running, when asked how could he burden O.J. Simpson with running the ball 30 to 40 times a game, McKay said, “The ball is not that heavy.”.

Major Genius
July 18, 2021 3:09 pm

Somebody hit the sauce early. We have a sub par OL…..we have no above average LB’s except Jackson….. our best LB’s, aside from Jackson are freshmen……we have an uncertain DL with almost no depth, we are depending on a player that is coming off injury that could not beat out two freshmen for a critical NT position with no one behind him…….our safeties are questionable……one of our starting corners is coming off injury, the other should be a safety……McCoy is almost a freshman……Foreman is a freshman……Slovis forgets which color to throw to twice a game in most games……Dart is a… Read more »

Major Genius
July 18, 2021 4:45 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Thanks for not kicking me in the gonads…..I am a USC fan but since Helton I find myself expecting the worst…..I sure hope a few things work out and we go 10-2………but……I’am not expecting much after reviewing every OL we face. Heck, even Oregon State has 4 pac 12 honorees on their O line. The Utah, UDub, Oregon, Az St,Wa St, ND, Stanford and even UCLA lines look improved. This dude from bama we brought in better be ready to play at NT… was he was not much of a pass rusher but very difficult to move off the line.… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 18, 2021 1:40 pm

My glasses are just not this rosy.

Major Genius
July 18, 2021 1:17 pm

The one area I disagree with the author is that Mr. Cat would pull out HIS starting QB if he is having a hard time. That has not happened before and won’t as long as Mr. Cat is the HC. He has proven that time after time. He would leave in JT even when he had the dazed look of a deer in the headlights, and then we always have Toa.

Noble Genius
July 18, 2021 1:39 pm
Reply to  Steveg

Toa is the love of his life, leave him alone.