USC Football Finally Decides To Get Serious Again

USC getting Lincoln Riley is a massive statement hire

His presence means a football program that has been dormant will again be aiming high.

Jim Alexander (OC Register)  —  We should have learned by now: Never assume.

As USC’s desultory football season continued, the most interesting part of it seemed to be the Great Trojan Coach Search, and the week-by-week handicap of whose stock was rising or falling. Penn State’s James Franklin, Cincinnati’s Luke Fickell, Iowa State’s Matt Campbell and Baylor’s Dave Aranda were the assumed front-runners, but isn’t it obvious? Athletic director Mike Bohn and his chief lieutenant, Brandon Sosna, weren’t paying attention to the media’s helpful consultation.

They got it right anyway. Massively.

When news broke Sunday afternoon that Oklahoma’s Lincoln Riley would be the choice, it’s safe to say no one saw that coming. But when you consider what USC needs, and what Riley can offer from his five seasons in OU’s high-profile program, it’s a natural fit.

An acquaintance with the College Football Playoff? Check. Riley’s teams have been there three times, and while they’re 0-3 (losses to Georgia in the ’17 season, Alabama in the ’18 season and eventual national champ LSU in the ’19 season), consider that Pac-12 teams collectively have played in three of the 21 CFP games since the current format began in 2015, and not at all since 2017.

An ability to develop quarterbacks? Check, and check. You have heard of Baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray, I presume. If Jaxson Dart is the real deal, his life is about to get a lot more interesting.

Recruiting chops in SoCal? Check. OU’s verbal commitments for the next two seasons included players from Mater Dei – which Riley had previously mined for talent – and Los Alamitos. If he could get California kids to play in Norman, Okla., imagine what he can do with the Coliseum, the white horse, etc., in his arsenal.

Remember in September when we suggested that the Trojans take a stab at Nick Saban just because? Yes, that was partly tongue-in-cheek, because the chance of actually getting Saban out here was maybe one percent. But the more salient point was that Bohn needed to think big, to go after the best coach possible rather than just the best coach available, in order to remind Trojan fans – and donors, and current players, and recruits – that this school has historically had one overriding football ambition and it’s time to get serious about it again.

Franklin had restored stability to Penn State’s program but couldn’t get past Ohio State (or, this year, Michigan) in his Big Ten division. Fickell was having a wonderful season for a Group of Five team but was a Midwest guy with no certainty he’d want to come here anyway. Campbell was the prototype darkhorse candidate, and was 7-5 at Iowa State this year, which might not have done much for his marketability. Aranda had a SoCal background (Redlands High, Cal Lutheran) and will have Baylor playing for the Big 12 title this week against Oklahoma State, but he was in just his second year as a head coach.

(One thing the Great Trojan Coach Search, and its counterparts at LSU and Florida, did accomplish was to create some serious pay raises throughout the industry. Franklin and Fickell got contract extensions and Aranda is about to get one. Michigan State’s Mel Tucker, whose name never even came up in the USC speculation, parlayed two years at East Lansing into a 10-year, $95 million extension.)

But USC is no place for an apprenticeship, or for someone who might or might not work out. Not at this point, not with all the empty seats that frustrated fans have abandoned in recent years.

This is not just about winning Monday afternoon’s press conference. It’s about reassuring Trojan football’s many stakeholders that those in charge care as deeply as they do. The administrators shored up the infrastructure of the program, and now they have a coach capable of doing something with it.

And, again, we will repeat this simple truth: When USC football is relevant nationally, so is the Pac-12. The L.A. schools drive the narrative for this conference, as much as the folks in Oregon might hate to admit it, and a successful USC program will restore credibility throughout the conference.

Riley will now have the legacies of John McKay, John Robinson and Pete Carroll to live up to. Then again, Bud Wilkinson, Barry Switzer and Bob Stoops, among others, left pretty imposing shadows at his previous place of employment.

That’s the point. It’ll be business as usual.


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San Diego Trojan
November 29, 2021 3:21 pm

Listening to the news conference on AM 570, and It’s embarrassing, 20 minutes in, that Bohn, Caruso and Folt are all self congratulatory to each other. All taking victory laps, going on and on. Who does that? Bring on Coach Riley already. I can only barely tolerate it because of the hire. I understand they are using this opportunity to do damage control to the hits they have all taken personally, but ‘cmon. It’s a great day to be a Trojan, and nothing but positivity and good times going forward

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 2:50 pm

Isn’t this fun! SC is, for the first time is years, actually relevant. My guess is this negotiation was in play for weeks. My guess is he also had his staff already in line before he took the job. As LSU reported offered 12 Million, how high did SC go? Riley is most likely the highest paid collegiate coach, but a long shot. If Mel Tucker (who has won zero) got $9.5 Million, what does Riley get? If Cristobal is not renegotiating his contract, he is a fool. My guess is that process is now well in motion. How about… Read more »

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 12:04 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

i have no idea who Riley will keep, but my vote would be Donte, So’Oto, and Jinks. But I’m 100% OK with whatever he chooses to do.

November 29, 2021 12:21 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Obvious of course Donte, dark horse So’oto?

The Poly connection to USC should be kept strong
no matter who is retained or hired. Including GA’s

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 2:52 pm
Reply to  Chris

Donte is totally expendable now. To be honest, Riley was probably the only hire that could do that. Up the Lincoln if he wants to keep Donte. I missed this one by so much, I will simply wait and see what he does.

November 29, 2021 12:04 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Look at the OL recruits that are now open to USC
by way of their relationship to BB
Could USC actually land 4-5* Lineman?
Pinch me, I’m still dreaming

Genius Member
November 29, 2021 5:03 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Bedenbaugh is a large part of Riley’s offense…but he wasn’t on the plane today. He was on staff before Riley was hired. I think Stoops had a talk with him last night. The new Roster with the current coaching staff is up, Stoops is listed as Interim Coach and Bedenbaugh is listed as CO- Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach. His loyalty may be to Stoops, his family may have a say in his departing OU.

Genius Member
November 29, 2021 5:15 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Checked Wikipedia earlier today, listed Bedenbaugh as being SC’s O Line/CoOC @750K

Just rechecked Wiki and it shows him at OU as CoOC @800K

We’ll probably hear something later in the week.

November 29, 2021 11:29 am

Could Clay McGuire and Graham Harrell get a serious look by a new OK HC
looking to keep Air Raid?

November 29, 2021 11:35 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

No, what I was suggesting was… Oklahoma NEW staff who ever that is.
If they were to keep similar offense in Norman, would they be considered
to join.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 11:39 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Bedenbaugh is already on Riley Staff.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 11:52 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

? I think McGuire has done an OK job, Harrell… not so much. I would think both may end up together.

November 29, 2021 12:00 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Still think they could get look at OK. Both Texas guys
know landscape Harrell could end up QB coach there with additional
titles other than OC

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 11:17 am

Rattler in the portal but by all accounts he’s not headed here. I think Williams will be headed here.

November 29, 2021 10:18 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

And then there’s the Portal….Where boy’s have become men

QB cometh?

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 9:31 am

ESPN Sportscenter staff reporting just now that theirs sources tell them Riley was #1 on Bohns list for last 2 months (where they talking during that time ?)…..I GOTTA give the SC Top management PROPS for there being absolutely NO LEAKS !!!!!…….. Fight On !!!!!

November 29, 2021 10:20 am
Reply to  HOF19

Jedi Masters

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 12:38 pm
Reply to  HOF19

I agree. Simply masterful the way Bohn has executed this search.

San Diego Trojan
November 29, 2021 3:38 pm
Reply to  HOF19

I would love to know how serious the Campbell negotiations were and whether he was actually offered the job and turned it down this weekend? No matter because this all worked out perfect, but still curious

San Diego Trojan
November 29, 2021 9:02 am

It’s so nice to immediately feel good about hope for the program again. From apathy to being excited about the December signing period already. I will be interested to see how the hire affects how hard guys play against Cal this weekend. All are auditioning for next year. I think we will find out quickly who really hopes to stay, and who doesn’t care so much.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 12:56 pm

I am all of a sudden interested in seeing Sat’s game with Cal. I expect there to be a ton of energy on the field. Now these young men finally know who their future is. Riley will be at the game, they will be auditioning for a starting slot on next year’s roster.

San Diego Trojan
November 29, 2021 3:41 pm

Yep, curious how it affects the betting line. I would be inclined to bet on SC for the first time this season

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 8:07 am

From twitter: BREAKING: Lincoln Riley joined by defensive coordinator Alex Grinch, WRs coach Dennis Simmons, director of ops Clarke Stroud & strength coach Bennie Wylie arrived a private hanger at Will Rogers airport to depart for Los Angeles this morning.

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 8:15 am
Reply to  Steveg

We’re getting Grinch too … and just in time for Christmas!!!

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 11:15 am
Reply to  Rock2112

Bedenbaugh will make a giant difference. He’s as good a OLine coach as there is in the country. In a few years we will have a really good OLine that will push people around. What a difference!

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 9:37 am
Reply to  Steveg

Ok, now I am happy. We have a DC of good reputation coming on board.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 7:22 am

I woke up with a smile, went online immediately to make sure this wasn’t all a dream. Wow, USC and Bohn actually did it. LIncoln Riley ranks right up there with Dabo and Brian Kelly. Watch the offers go out and commits start coming in. I can now live with expectations of some good or even great football again at USC.

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 6:30 am

This was a miracle no one saw coming. I would have been thrilled with Campbell, but Riley brings a whole different dimension. Recruiting is going to be off the charts, and now we have a staff that can identify and develop players. If I was Oregon( and fucla) I would be real upset. No more 5 start talent being poached out of the LA Market and going to Eugene. This is a hire that Swann and Haden would never have made, or dare I say wanted. I still can’t stand Carol Folt, but I will always be thankful she hired… Read more »

Noble Genius
November 29, 2021 6:59 am
Reply to  PN4SC

it will be interesting to see if Cristobal stays at OR. This is certainly the time to move if he wants to. Miami is in dire need of a quality HC.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 1:08 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Cristobol should look into his “crystal ball” and see himself getting schooled by Riley and USC in the very near future. His stock will only plummet. If he wants to bolt, now would be the time.

Major Genius
November 30, 2021 2:25 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

If I had to bet, I’d say Cristobal before Kiffin. I think Kiffin is going to sit tight until Saban retires, then go to Bama. However, the new way things work, it wouldn’t surprise me if Kiffin went somewhere in between because he now knows that if Bama wants him bad enough, they’ll simply buy him out from wherever he is.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 9:39 am
Reply to  PN4SC

Caruso told her to hire the Bohn Man. Little mao don’t know sh33t about football or any other sport except BLM looting.

November 29, 2021 4:26 am

I’m looking forward to seeing a more balanced offense under Riley. While Mayfield and Murray garnered the attention and deservedly so, OU has always been able to run the football. Now it’s time to bring that facet of the game back to USC. I’m still concerned on the Defensive side of the ball, but I’m sure Riley will bring in a solid DC.

Major Genius
November 29, 2021 7:18 am
Reply to  rleeholder1

Take a look at Alex Grinch, the DC at Oklahoma who it is likely is following Riley.

November 30, 2021 12:16 pm
Reply to  Steveg

I read something today that indicates he may be going to Texas Tech as the Head Coach.

December 1, 2021 8:02 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Thank you for the photos Allen! It’s been a while since I’ve been on campus and like what I see. It’s a far cry from when I was a student at USC in the 1970s. Back in 1973, Physical Education was mandatory for incoming Freshman. I took some Basketball/Volleyball classes that were held in the old gym. That thing was a relic!

Genius Member
November 29, 2021 4:04 am

The season from hell is nearly past. The clouds have parted. The sun is shining brightly in Trojanland once again.