USC Football Contest – Week 4

UPDATED 09/26/21  Week 4 Final Results

Change at the top with TMC4 USC zooming to the top with 39,000, Mr and Mrs SteveG in second with 25,500, TrojanRJJ in third with 24,000 and San Diego Trojan just 500 back in fourth with 23,500. What do these people all have in common…..they did not bet on USC.

Week Four Results of TDB Contest
Beginning Balance         14,900.00 Allen Wallace
       (1,000.00) Loss WIS -1.5 for 1000
       (1,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 1000
          1,000.00 Won UCLA -6.5 for 1000
       (1,000.00) Loss ORE -27.5 for 1000
       (1,000.00) Loss UW -7.5. for 1000
Ending Balance        11,900.00
Beginning Balance        20,100.00 Chris
       (3,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 3000
       (1,000.00) Loss stanford + 6.5 for 1000
           (500.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 500
             500.00 Won Arizona +27.5 for 500
Ending Balance        16,100.00
Beginning Balance         19,000.00 TrojanRJJ
          3,500.00 Won Oregon St. +13.5 for 3,500
          1,500.00 Won UCLA -6.5 for 1,500
Ending Balance        24,000.00
Beginning Balance        22,000.00 TMC4USC
       17,000.00 Win Notre Dame +1.5  17,000
Ending Balance        39,000.00
Beginning Balance         18,000.00 sjvermont
       (3,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 3000
          1,000.00 Won California +7.5 for 1000
           (500.00) Loss Oregon -27.5 for 500
Ending Balance        15,500.00
Beginning Balance        19,000.00 Jalenbuck1
          1,000.00 Win Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000
       (1,000.00) Loss Texas Tech + 11.5 for 1000
       (1,000.00) Loss Utah -14.5 for 1000
       (3,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 3000
Ending Balance        15,000.00
Beginning Balance         30,000.00 LaywerJohn
       (4,000.00) Loss SC -13 1/2 for 4000
       (4,000.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 4000
Ending Balance        22,000.00
Beginning Balance        16,500.00 Troy5543
       (1,000.00) Loss Stanford +6.5 for 1,000
       (1,000.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 1,000
       (2,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 2,000
Ending Balance        12,500.00
Beginning Balance         19,500.00 BUS83
       (1,000.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 1000
       (3,000.00) Loss Oregon -27.5 for 3000
Ending Balance        15,500.00
Beginning Balance        20,500.00 Mr&Mrs Steveg 
          5,000.00 Win Notre Dame +1.5 5000
          2,000.00 Win ucla -6.5 2000
       (2,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 2000
Ending Balance        25,500.00
Beginning Balance         13,500.00 Satyrdancing
             500.00 Win Texas -11.5 for 500
           (500.00) Loss Utah -14.5 for 500
           (500.00) Loss Oregon -27.5 for 500
     (10,500.00) Loss USC -13.5 for 10,500
Ending Balance           2,500.00
Beginning Balance        14,000.00 Trojans562
          2,000.00 Win Notre Dame +1.5 for 2000
          3,000.00 Win Washington St +14.5  3000
          2,000.00 Win Arizona +27.5 for 2000
Ending Balance        21,000.00
Beginning Balance         21,500.00 San Diego Trojan
          1,000.00 Win Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000 
          1,000.00 Win Texas -11.5 for 1000 
Ending Balance        23,500.00
Beginning Balance        18,400.00 DubPar22
       (2,500.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 2500
       (2,000.00) Loss Utah -14.5 for 2000
          2,000.00 Win UCLA -6.5 for 2000
Ending Balance        15,900.00
Beginning Balance         20,000.00 GoldenTrojan
       (5,000.00) Loss USC -13.5 FOR 5000 
       (2,000.00) Loss Wisconsin -1.5 for 2000 
Ending Balance        13,000.00


UPDATED 9/24/21 

Final Wagers Posted

Allen Wallace
WIS -1.5 for 1000
USC -13.5 for 1000
UCLA -6.5 for 1000
ORE -27.5 for 1000
UW -7.5. for 1000

USC -13.5 for 3000
stanford + 6.5 for 1000
Wisconsin -1.5 for 500
Arizona +27.5 for 500

Oregon St. +13.5 for 3,500
UCLA -6.5 for 1,500

Notre Dame +1.5 17,000

USC -13.5 for 3000
California +7.5 for 1000
Oregon -27.5 for 500

Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000
Texas Tech + 11.5 for 1000
Utah -14.5 for 1000
USC -13.5 for 3000

SC -13 1/2 for 4000
Wisconsin -1.5 for 4000

Stanford +6.5 for 1,000
Wisconsin -1.5 for 1,000
USC -13.5 for 2,000

Wisconsin -1.5 for 1000
Oregon -27.5 for 3000

Mr&Mrs Steveg
Notre Dame +1.5 5000
ucla -6.5 2000
USC -13.5 2000

Texas -11.5 for 500
Utah -14.5 for 500
Oregon -27.5 for 500
USC -13.5 for 10,500

Notre Dame +1.5 for 2000
Washington St +14.5 3000
Arizona +27.5 for 2000

San Diego Trojan
Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000
Texas -11.5 for 1000

Wisconsin -1.5 for 2500
Utah -14.5 for 2000
UCLA -6.5 for 2000

USC -13.5 FOR 5000
Wisconsin -1.5 for 2000

These are the games for Week 4 of the Contest.

Corrected Ucla/Stanford game odds – 9/20/2021 1220pm.

Important Clarification: Your wagers are not locked in until Friday at Noon PT.  You may change any submitted wager prior to that time.

Notre Dame +1.5     at Wisconsin -1.5         9am Fox

Texas Tech +11.5    at Texas -11.5               9am ABC

Washington St +14.5 at Utah -14.5        1130am P12

Ucla -6.5           at Stanford +6.5                 3pm P12

California +7.5     at Washington -7.5       630pm P12

Arizona +27.5       at Oregon -27.5               7pm ESPN

Colorado +14.5      at Arizona St -14.5      730pm ESPNU

Oregon St +13.5     at USC -13.5               730pm FS1


Please make your choices known by using the following format:

Nevada + 3.5   for 1000

The contest closes to new contestants on Friday September 24, 2021 at noon P.T.

This Post will be updated throughout the week.


Please remember, this is supposed to be about fun and Trojan camaraderie.

There are no entry fees.
Every participant will receive 20,000 betting units.
You must bet a minimum of 1 game and 1,000 units each week
There will be a limited number of games to choose from each week.
The contest ends with Pac-12 Conference Championship Game
I will post the point spread for each week’s games on Monday
All wagers must be received by Friday at noon PT.
Wagers must be posted on the TDB (preferred) or they can be emailed to:
I will review each wager to make sure that it was correctly placed and I will then send you a confirmation that your wager(s) have been accepted.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement from me, then your wagers do not count. If you have not heard from me, please email me.
If a game is cancelled or moved to another date, then that game will not be counted as a bet (no action).
Winning wagers will be paid as ‘even money’, for example; if you bet 1,000 units, you will win 1,000 units.
The winner will be determined by who has the most betting units in their account at the end of the contest.
I will keep track of everyone’s account and this accounting will be posted on TDB on Monday. Please review my figures. If you think that a mistake has been made you must contact me by 9pm Monday – otherwise these numbers will be considered official.

First Prize is: $150.00
Second Prize is: $75.00
Third Prize is: $25.00
If two people end up in first place, then the first and second prize will be added together and that amount will be split between the two winners.
I will handle all disputes and my decision will be final.


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Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 27, 2021 10:28 am

The favorites were 6-2 Saturday and the 2 that lost, lost big time and were my picks.😫 Only 3 of the 6 winning favorites covered the points. I need a come back this week.

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
September 27, 2021 11:10 am
Reply to  Golden Trojan

Me too. I may have to try some new tactics. Don’t ask me what those might be, however. It might help though if I stopped betting on USC this season.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 27, 2021 4:21 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace


Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
September 25, 2021 2:50 pm

Now UTAH gets a bye week to help prepare for USC in the Coliseum on Oct. 9.

September 25, 2021 12:50 pm

Congrats to TMC4USC (17,000 units and back in the game), and to Mr&MrsSteveG (5000) for staying true to their Notre Dame bets. The Irish sure needed that extra 1 1/2 to 6 1/2 betting points to beat the Badgers, right? I did not watch the game, but other than ND owning the line of scrimmage, the new Wisconsin quarterback was not nearly as good as the castoff Wisconsin quarterback, who happened to be the ND quarterback. Ironic…

It is so much easier to handle a loss of a bet when it is in units and not dollars!.

September 25, 2021 2:46 pm
Reply to  LawyerJohn

I hated picking ND. I can’t stand that team, school, coach, mascot, etc but this one felt to me like an easy win just like UM over UW 2 weeks ago. Plus if they lost, I’d be down to my last 5,000 points but content with the knowledge that the Irish lost. So it really was a win/win proposition for me. I guess best case scenario would have been a one point Badger win…oh well. On to next week.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 24, 2021 7:27 am

USC -13.5 FOR 5000 UNITS
Wisconsin -1.5 for 2000 units

Noble Genius
September 23, 2021 8:44 pm

Oregon St. +13.5 for 3,500
UCLA -6.5 for 1,500

September 23, 2021 6:15 pm

USC -13.5 for 3000
California +7.5 for 1000
Oregon -27.5 for 500

Genius Member
September 23, 2021 5:56 pm

Wisconsin -1.5 for 2500
Utah -14.5 for 2000
UCLA -6.5 for 2000

Genius Member
September 23, 2021 5:31 pm

Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000
Texas Tech + 11.5 for 1000
Utah -14.5 for 1000
USC -13.5 for 3000

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
September 23, 2021 4:24 pm

WIS -1.5 for 1000

USC -13.5 for 1000

UCLA -6.5 for 1000

ORE -27.5 for 1000

UW -7.5. for 1000

September 23, 2021 2:21 pm

Notre Dame +1.5 for 2000

Washington St +14.5 for 3000

Arizona +27.5 for 2000

September 23, 2021 8:01 am

I am going against the strategy of betting only 1 game a week. Wisconsin moving up to a 6 1/2 point favorite when it started at only 1 1/2 (and where OUR betting line still stands) the Badgers look too inviting to stay away. Betting is always 50-50, but if one has confidence in his/her team approaching 60%, then go with it. Besides, this is the game of the week, and Badgers’ fans are wild about Saturday with Notre Dame. Wisconsin plays football, even though we don’t pay much attention to them. They almost beat the 1963 SC footballers for… Read more »

September 23, 2021 3:28 pm
Reply to  John Weld

Yes, please.

Noble Genius
September 22, 2021 1:44 pm

Wisconsin -1.5 for 1000
Oregon -27.5 for 3000

Fight On!

Genius Member
September 22, 2021 12:36 pm

Texas -11.5 for 500
Utah -14.5 for 500
Oregon -27.5 for 500
USC -13.5 for 10,500

Fight On!

September 21, 2021 7:07 pm

TMC4USC, you got robbed. You only got 1 1/2 points on Notre Dame, whereas the betting line now has the Fighting Irish as a 6 1/2 point ‘dog. I cannot recall a line changing that much… And the line on SC has moved from 13 1/2 to 12, probably because of their 2 quarterbacks being banged up.

Major Genius
September 22, 2021 7:40 am
Reply to  LawyerJohn

The amount of money being bet on Notre Dame weighs heavily on the odds. Bookmakers have to cover their rears. I still cannot figure out how WI is favored over ND, yet ranked several spots below them.

September 22, 2021 8:42 am
Reply to  Steveg

How true.

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
September 22, 2021 2:01 pm
Reply to  Steveg

Betting lines are dictated by the public.

Rankings are compiled by either the coaches, or the press.

That’s why they differ IMO.

September 23, 2021 1:14 am
Reply to  LawyerJohn

I appreciate the “heads up” on the changing betting line but I’m sticking with my pick. .

Noble Genius
September 21, 2021 6:56 pm

Stanford +6.5 for 1,000

Wisconsin -1.5 for 1,000

USC -13.5 for 2,000

Major Genius
September 21, 2021 6:19 pm

Notre Dame +1.5 5000
ucla -6.5 2000
USC -13.5 2000

Major Genius
September 21, 2021 4:50 pm

USC -13.5 for 3000
stanford + 6.5 for 1000
Wisconsin -1.5 for 500
Arizona +27.5 for 500

Major Genius
September 21, 2021 11:54 am

I had a brother that was the biggest bookie in the Long Beach area for years. He made a fortune on the football cards and always told me to never play them. So here I am in the contest and it sure is bringing back old memories. We are playing so my wife can learn how to understand the odds, the O/U, and why they change. If we win great, if not it keeps us interested for the entire day watching games we are “invested” in. Just cannot figure out why Wisconsin is favored over ND. I hate betting on… Read more »

September 21, 2021 7:18 pm
Reply to  Steveg

I would not say the Badgers are the home team, Steveg, since the game is at Soldier Field, Chicago, a mere 2-hour drive from Notre Dame. What I hear is that ND considers this a transitional year with a lot of talented but young players. And The Irish have a discarded Wisconsin quarterback leading them. However, Wisconsin has not played that great, so this is a tough game to dissect and is the most interesting game of the weekend.

Major Genius
September 22, 2021 8:20 am
Reply to  LawyerJohn

Looking at WI losing to Penn St and beating EMich by 28 with a bye in week 3, Notre Dame squeaking by a fired up FSU by 3, Toledo by 3, and Perdue by 14 if I was making the odds I would have the Irish favored.

September 21, 2021 1:17 am

So, Week 1. I place 4 small bets on games that I felt pretty good about and lost all 4. Week 2, I throw caution to the wind and choose just one game. I bet big. I won big. Week 3, six games with low bets and lost all 6. Obviously I have to adopt my Week 2 strategy. So here it goes. Notre Dame +1.5  17,000

September 20, 2021 6:26 pm

No sure bets this week, but SC has to be the most relieved team in America after the Stanford debacle and getting cured at Washington St. 13 1/2 points is a lot to give up, but I bet the Trojans ride this momentum streak for at least another week.

SC -13 1/2 for 4000

Genius Member
September 20, 2021 5:34 pm

Anyone watching Peyton& Eli on MNF. Peyton is a natural for TV. Check out the show in ESPN2. I think you will find it entertaining.

Genius Member
September 20, 2021 7:54 pm
Reply to  John Weld

He is a different dude. But he can play QB. The fact he only has one SB win shows how hard it is to get one.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 21, 2021 10:49 am
Reply to  Trojan5

I watched it last night. It was great. Sitting in my living room watching a game with guys who have forgot more about football than I will ever know. Their guests, Gronkowski, Farve! Dissecting the game. Great stories, kidding back and forth. The only NFL game I will watch from now on.
By the way Peyton and Cooper did the College Bowl quiz show, which USC came in 2nd to Columbia, beating Alabama and UCLA (twice) to get to the finals. Cooper Manning has a dry humor like Eli. Peyton is just a talker.

San Diego Trojan
September 20, 2021 5:00 pm

Notre Dame + 1.5 for 1000 units
Texas -11.5 for 1000 units

September 20, 2021 11:25 am

Say hey, John, sucla should read Minus 6 1/2 as the favorite. First of all, there was controversy regarding my bet of 15,000 last week. I figured besides the Hawaii game, SC-Washington St was the best lock of the week. But later I heard it was pouring at the stadium, so I would have liked to get out from under such a large bet, but I knew the AW/John Contest Rules did not allow that….. Still, I vented to John: “It is the eve of SC v Washington State, and since it is raining, I would like to withdraw my… Read more »

September 20, 2021 1:47 pm
Reply to  John Weld

Beautiful. As for me I broke even with the blackjack playing, which in a sense is “winning,” but I quit shortly after graduating SC when in New Jersey I had a 5% advantage and I lost 5 $100 bets in a row. I figured it was time to look for another way to make a living.

September 20, 2021 4:42 pm
Reply to  John Weld

You’re jogging my memories, John– I got thrown out of a couple of casinos when they presumed I was counting, even if it was a $5 table. If I felt free of supervision I would bet $5 90% of the time, waiting for that 5% advantage to pop up every once in a while, so I could hit them with a $100 bet… And one time the deck was so pro-player and not dealer, that I successfully took the insurance bet, usually a very poor bet, 3 times in a row and was thrown out… Aaaaah, those were the days… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
September 20, 2021 11:15 am

Hey guys, thanks for all you do. Just curious, Bovada has UCLA minus 6 against Stanford, and I’ve seen some Vegas odds of UCLA -4. Just checking to see if your number was right. Certainly affects how I would bet. Thanks