TDB Contest – Week 3 (2022)


San Diego Trojan- 29000
Rialto Trojan – 25500
Satyrdancing – 23500
BUS83 – 23000
DubPar22 – 20000
Golden Trojan – 18500
Chris – 18500
Trojan RJJ – 17250
Troy5543 – 16000
M/M SteveG – 6000
Rock2112 – 5000


Week 3 Year 2022
Name: BUS83 Status Wager
Beginning Balance    15,000.00
    (2,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 2,000
   10,000.00 Win Cal -4.5 for 10,000
Ending Balance    23,000.00
Name: TROY5543 Status Wager
Beginning Balance    21,000.00
    (5,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 5,000
Ending Balance    16,000.00
Name: San Diego Trojan Status   Wager
Beginning Balance    27,000.00
    (4,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 4000
     3,000.00 Win UCLA -20.5 for 3000
     3,000.00 Win UTAH -14.5 for 3000
Ending Balance    29,000.00
Name: Chris Status Wager
Beginning Balance    28,500.00
  (10,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 10000
Ending Balance    18,500.00
Name: RialtoTrojan Status Wager
Beginning Balance    39,500.00
  (15,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 15000
       (500.00) Loss Colorado +20.5 for 500
        500.00 Win Cal -4.5 for 500
     1,000.00 Win Utah – 14.5 for 1000
Ending Balance    25,500.00
Name: TrojanRJJ Status Wager
Beginning Balance    19,250.00
    (2,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 2,000
Ending Balance    17,250.00
Name: Mr/Mrs SteveG Status Wager
Beginning Balance    26,000.00
  (20,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 20,000
Ending Balance      6,000.00
Name: Golden Trojan Status Wager
Beginning Balance    33,500.00
  (15,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 15000
Ending Balance    18,500.00
Name: Rock2112 Status Wager
Beginning Balance    19,000.00
  (14,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 14000
Ending Balance      5,000.00
Name: Satyrdancing Status Wager
Beginning Balance    23,000.00
        500.00 Win Wake Forest +6.5 for 500
       (500.00) Loss Colorado +20.5 for 500
        500.00 Win Florida +9.5 for 500
       (500.00) Loss Arizona +4.5 500
        500.00 Win Utah -14.5 for 500
Ending Balance    23,500.00
Name: DubPar22 Status Wager
Beginning Balance    28,000.00
    (8,000.00) Loss USC Game >68.5 for 8000
Ending Balance    20,000.00


  • Chris
    USC -6.5 for 10000
  • Rock2112
    USC -6.5 for 14000
  • San Diego
    USC -6.5 for 4000
    UCLA -20.5 for 3000
    UTAH -14.5 for 3000
  • Rialto Trojan
    USC -6.5 for 15000
    Colorado +20.5 for 500
    Cal -4.5 for 500
    Utah – 14.5 for 1000
  • TrojanRJJ
    USC -6.5 for 2,000
  • SteveG
    USC -6.5 for 20,000
    USC -6.5 for 2,000
    Cal -4.5 for 10,000
  • Satyrdancing
    Wake Forest +6.5 for 500
    Colorado +20.5 for 500
    Florida +9.5 for 500
    Arizona +4.5 500
    Utah -14.5 for 500
  • Troy5543
    USC -6.5 at Oregon St for 5,000
  • Dubpar22
    USC Game over 68.5 for 8000
  • Golden Trojan
    USC -6.5 for 15000

These are the games for Week 3 of the Contest.

USC -6.5 at Oregon St +6.5 at 630pm on PAC12N
USC/OSU under 68.5 or over 68.5
Clemson -6.5 at Wake Forest +6.5 at 900am on ABC
UCLA -20.5 at Colorado +20.5 at 11am on PAC12N
Florida +9.5 at Tennessee -9.5 at 12:30pm on CBS
Minnesota +1.5 at Michigan St -1.5 at 1230pm on Big 10 Network
Oregon -6.5 at Washington St +6.5  at 1pm on FOX
Arizona +4.5 at Cal -4.5 at 230pm on PAC12N
Arkansas +2.5 at Texas A&M -2.5 at 4pm on ESPN
Utah -14.5 at Arizona St +14.5 at 730pm on ESPN
Stanford +12.5 at Washington -12.5 at 730pm on FoxSports1

Please make your choices known by using the following format:
USC -9.5 for 1000
Stanford/USC Over 65.5 for 500

The contest closes to weekly entries on Friday September23, 2022 at 5pm P.T.

This Post will be updated throughout the week.

Please remember, this is supposed to be about fun and Trojan camaraderie.
There are no entry fees.
Every participant will receive 20,000 betting units.
You must bet a minimum of 1 game and 1,000 units each week
There will be a limited number of games to choose from each week.
The contest ends on December 4, 2022.
I will post the point spread for each week’s games on Monday
All wagers must be received by Friday at noon PT. (Exact date will posted weekly)
Wagers must be posted on the TDB (preferred) or they can be emailed to:
I will review each wager to make sure that it was correctly placed. I will then respond to your entries to let you know that they have been accepted.
If you do not see your wager acknowledgement please contact me as soon as possible by posting a comment on the blog prior to the first game you have wagered on.
If a game is cancelled or moved to another date, then that game will not be counted as a bet (no action).
Winning wagers will be paid as ‘even money’, for example; if you bet 1,000 units, you will win 1,000 units.
The winner will be determined by who has the most betting units in their account at the end of the contest.
I will keep track of everyone’s account and this accounting will be posted on TDB on Monday. Please review my figures. If you think that a mistake has been made you must contact me by 9pm Monday – otherwise these numbers will be considered official.
First Prize is: 150.00
Second Prize is: 75.00
Third Prize is: 25.00
If two people end up in first place, then the first and second prize will be added together and that amount will be split between the two winners.
I will handle all disputes and my decision will be final.
Anyone can be removed from the contest for exhibiting poor sportsmanship, as determined by me.
By making wagers on the games you acknowledge you agree to these rules.
John Weld


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Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 22, 2022 7:55 pm

USC -6.5 for 15000

I’ve gotta try to keep pace with Rialto, so here we go. All but 2 of us will live or die by USC winning by 7+. 2 weeks ago, OSU beats Fresno at last second by 3. Last week USC beats Fresno by 28. HMMMM……

Genius Member
September 22, 2022 7:32 pm

USC/OSU over 68.5 for 8000 💪

Genius Member
September 22, 2022 5:38 pm

Wake Forest +6.5 for 500
Colorado +20.5 for 500
Florida +9.5 for 500
Arizona +4.5 500
Utah -14.5 for 500

Noble Genius
September 21, 2022 9:28 am

I need to step up my game…

USC -6.5 for 2,000
Cal -4.5 for 10,000

Major Genius
September 21, 2022 6:42 am

USC -6.5 for 20,000

Major Genius
September 21, 2022 7:25 am
Reply to  Steveg

Ok, I guess you are going big.

Noble Genius
September 20, 2022 8:39 am

USC -6.5 for 2,000

Noble Genius
September 19, 2022 5:53 pm

USC -6.5 at Oregon St for 5,000

USC 49-17 

Major Genius
September 19, 2022 4:52 pm

Because I believe the order of the PAC 12 has been restored by sheriff Riley, I’m going big.
USC -6.5 for 15,000
Colorado +20.5 for 500
Cal -4.5 for 500
Utah – 14.5 for 1000

fight on!!

San Diego Trojan
September 19, 2022 2:01 pm

USC -6.5 for 4000
UCLA -20.5 for 3000
UTAH -14.5 for 3000

Noble Genius
September 19, 2022 12:43 pm

Alright dammit. I have slipped to the bottom just because I have been cautious and because Fresno State’s two best players were knocked out before halftime (I was looking pretty good on my picks this past Saturday until then)! (I know, no excuses). Time for a bold play to either get back in this or flame out, though! —

USC -6.5 for 14,000

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
September 19, 2022 12:51 pm
Reply to  Rock2112

Good bet Rock! I like it.

Major Genius
September 19, 2022 11:14 am

Hi John, I am confused. Week one my “winnings” total was 29,500, but this week I only showed 20,000 points as a beginning balance. I admit I know nothing about betting, as seen by my bet on San Diego St, but I think my balance should be higher this week.

Major Genius
September 19, 2022 1:21 pm
Reply to  John Weld

No worries it’s just for fun. If it were real money the zeros wouldn’t be there and I would have jinxed the team. If I win I am goto ask that the money go to the TMB from the blog.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 19, 2022 11:55 am
Reply to  RialtoTrojan

Rialto I had a feeling your total was higher than mine.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 19, 2022 9:24 am

John could you please post the updated standings here? Thanks so much!

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 19, 2022 10:10 am
Reply to  John Weld

Yowza!!!! I’m so money. For now.

Major Genius
September 19, 2022 7:05 am

USC -6.5 for 10000. No way we don’t beat them by multiple scores.