TDB Contest Week 12 -2023

UPDATED – Final Wager Results

Current Standings as 11/18/2023

  1. Bus83                    29000
  2. DubPar22              22000
  3. Illinois                    15000
  4. Steveg                   10000
  5. TrojanRJJ                2000
  6. Troy5543                       0
  7. GoldenTrojan                0

Thank you Troy5543 and Golden Trojan for playing along!

Full Game Accounting Below

Name: BUS83 Status Wager
Beginning Balance        35,000.00
        (6,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 6000
Ending Balance        29,000.00
Name: DubPar22 Status  Wager
Beginning Balance        12,000.00
       10,000.00 Win USC under 65.5 – 10000
Ending Balance        22,000.00
Name: GoldenTrojan Status Wager
Beginning Balance        20,000.00
     (20,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 20000
Ending Balance                     0  
Name: M/M SteveG Status Wager
Beginning Balance           7,500.00
          2,500.00 Win Georgia -10.5 for 2500
          2,500.00 Win Cal -6.5 for 2500
        (2,500.00) Loss Oregon St -1.5 for 2500
Ending Balance        10,000.00
Name: TrojanRJJ Status Wager
Beginning Balance        20,000.00
     (18,000.00) Loss SC -6.5 for 18,000
Ending Balance           2,000.00
Name: Troy5543 Status Wager
Beginning Balance        10,000.00
     (10,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 10000
Ending Balance                    0  
Name: IllinoisUSC Status Wager
Beginning Balance  $   27,000.00
 $ (16,000.00) Loss USC -6.5 for 16000
 $      4,000.00 Win Washington +1.5 for 4000
Ending Balance  $   15,000.00




Current Standings as of 11/12/2023:

  1. BUS 83             35000
  2. IllinoisUSC        27000
  3. Golden Trojan      20000
  4. TrojanRJJ          20000
  5. DubPar22           12000
  6. Troy5543           10000
  7. Mr/Mrs Steveg       7500



  • Ucla +6.5 at USC -6.5 at 1230pm on ABC
  • USC/Ucla game total over/under 65.5
  • Utah +1.5 at Arizona -1.5 at 1130am on PACN
  • Georgia -10.5 at Tennessee +10.5 at 1230pm on CBS
  • CAL -6.5 at Stanford +6.5 at 330pm on PACN
  • Washington +1.5 Oregon St -1.5 at 430pm on ABC

Note:  There are now 2 weekends of college football left in the contest (after this weekends games). USC has a bye on November 25th but I will still post games. The last weekend (December 1-3) will be the conference championship games and your last chance to make a big move. I will post the winners after the last game is played. Best of luck to everyone!!

All Week 12 wagers, for Friday & Saturday games must be received by November 17, 2023 at 5pm PT.
Please make your choices known by using the following sample format:
USC -9.5 for 1000
Stanford/USC Over 65.5 for 500
The contest closed to new contestants on Friday September 1, 2023 at noon P.T.
This Post will be updated throughout the week.
Contest Rules
Please remember, this is supposed to be about fun and Trojan camaraderie.
There are no entry fees.
Every participant will receive 20,000 betting units.
You must bet a minimum of 1 game and 1,000 units each week. The exception to this rule is Week 0 (games played on August 26th) where you do not need to make a wager.
There will be a limited number of games to choose from each week.
The contest ends on December 4, 2023.
I will post the point spread for each week’s games on Monday
All wagers must be received by Friday at noon PT. (Exact date will posted weekly)
Wagers must be posted on the TDB (preferred) or they can be emailed to:
I will review each wager to make sure that it was correctly placed. I will then respond to your entries to let you know that they have been accepted by liking your wager comment.
If you do not see your wager acknowledgement please contact me as soon as possible by posting a comment on the blog prior to the first game you have wagered on.
If a game is cancelled or moved to another date, then that game will not be counted as a wager (no action).
Winning wagers will be paid as ‘even money’, for example; if you bet 1,000 units, you will win 1,000 units.
The winner will be determined by who has the most betting units in their account at the end of the contest.
I will keep track of everyone’s account and this accounting will be posted on TDB on Monday of each week of the contest. Please review my figures. If you think that a mistake has been made you must contact me by 9pm on the Monday that the results were posted, otherwise these numbers will be considered official.
First Prize is: 150.00
Second Prize is: 75.00
Third Prize is: 25.00
If two people end up in first place, then the first and second prize will be added together and that amount will be split between the two winners.
I will handle all disputes and my decision will be final.
Anyone can be removed from the contest for exhibiting poor sportsmanship, as determined by me.
By making wagers on the games you acknowledge you agree to these rules.
John Weld

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Genius Member
November 15, 2023 7:27 pm

USC game total under 65.5 for 10000

Noble Genius
November 14, 2023 2:32 pm

 USC -6.5 for 10000 

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
November 14, 2023 8:49 pm
Reply to  Troy5543

That’s what I’m talking about! Go all in on your team! Fight On Troy5543! By the way does 5543 mean anything?

Noble Genius
November 15, 2023 7:08 pm
Reply to  Golden Trojan

Thanks GT, its time to empty the bank account at seasons end, LOL. 5543, is my tribute to Seau and Polamalu. 

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
November 16, 2023 8:25 am
Reply to  Troy5543


Noble Genius
November 14, 2023 11:07 am

A nod to the bold adventurers here. I flamed out long ago, but had I still been in, I would unquestionably push everything I had to the center of the table on SC beating UCLA by more than 6.5. I’m not saying it will come through, and indeed I have famously lost every USC bet I have made here, regardless of picking for or against our Trojans. Honestly, I have no idea how this game is going to go. But I am so desperate for USC to be the cause of positive feelings for me, like Charlie Brown rushing up… Read more »

Noble Genius
November 14, 2023 9:09 am

I had different goals this year. Wanted to see if I could maintain my initial betting “capital” during the regular season, while never betting against SC. Well, I reached that goal. I did not improve it, but I did not lose anything. Then, my goal was to go in big on SC for the last game of the year. Hence,

SC -6.5 for 18,000

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
November 14, 2023 9:11 am
Reply to  TrojanRJJ

You must be a lawyer RJJ! Oh, that’s right…

Noble Genius
November 14, 2023 12:36 pm
Reply to  John Weld

John, What it showed me was just how hard it is to make money betting collegiate football. I played a diversified approach with minimal risk to protect capital. Result – zero return. If I put in the 10% “vig” that the pros charge, I would have lost money doing it. Really enjoyed it!

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
November 14, 2023 8:45 pm
Reply to  TrojanRJJ

Really Rjj? 18k? Go for it with the full 20! 😃

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 7:29 am

Georgia -10.5 for 2500
Cal -6.5 for 2500
Oregon St -1.5 for 2500

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 7:22 am

USC -6.5 for 16000
Washington +1.5 for 4000
This ought to be interesting

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
November 14, 2023 8:40 am
Reply to  illinoisusc

Not going all in? You got another 7000! 😏

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 8:54 am
Reply to  Golden Trojan

What a coward!

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 8:58 am
Reply to  illinoisusc

Bus tickets home….with a little sauce to keep me warm……just won 200 at the casino last night playing hold em. Went all in with a pair of 7’s… was good,

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 10:29 am
Reply to  John Weld

Nope but a 7 showed on the river……unfortunately I played with a group of friends so I started laughing when I saw the 7 and only stole the 200 on the last hand.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
November 14, 2023 7:19 am

USC -6.5 for 20000

Last Trojan game for the contest so I’m going all in on this week. Beat the Ruins! Fight On Everybody!

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 8:58 am
Reply to  John Weld

Hope you score…..let’s beat these fools by 30.

Noble Genius
November 13, 2023 4:28 pm

USC -6.5 for 6000

Fight On!

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
November 13, 2023 4:03 pm

Great graphics. Love the USC vs UCLA comps!

But we have eight Heisman winners if we count Reggie. I totally like that leading measuring stick the Trojans have in this huge award, which still commands the most respect and attention of all the CFB individual awards. Says so much about the USC program.

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 5:27 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

That’s the first thing I noticed Allen. How did they get only six winners? Did they kick O J to the curb?

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 11:15 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I always count Reggie, and I always count the “vacated” championship, and I also count the “vacated” wins. I’ll not be a history revisionist. The scoreboard was the truth. The Heisman votes were the truth. Period.

Noble Genius
November 14, 2023 11:28 am

Put his jersey up … F the NCAA what are they going to do

Major Genius
November 14, 2023 12:33 pm
Reply to  USC1988

Right on!

Allen Wallace
Allen Wallace
November 14, 2023 1:14 pm

Why Reggie ever just voluntarily gave the Trophy back
I’ll never know. Bet he doesn’t either and kicks himself daily.