Fragile Pac-12 Tries To Hold On

Jon Wilner (Bay Area News Group)  —  Who are your “have nots’ in the Pac-12? In other words, when all the dust settles with this next round of conference realignment, who is going to be hurt the most from their current stature? 

But the Four Corners (Arizona, ASU, Colorado and Utah) are reasonable fits in the Big 12, if needed, while Washington and Oregon are far too valuable to be cast aside.

Stanford and Cal have some appeal because of the Bay Area market, the access to Silicon Valley and their academic reputations. I’m not convinced they will land somewhere, especially Cal, but their prospects are north of grim.

Washington State and Oregon State are in serious trouble, with only two options: Remain in the reconfigured Pac-12, or lose their Power Five status.

That could mean falling into the Mountain West or tumbling into the Big Sky or a destination neither conceived nor created at this point. The situation is fluid.

But for the Cougars and Beavers, challenged like no others by finances and geography, the future is extremely fragile.

In all candor, I don’t see a home for them in the Power Five if the Pac-12 fractures.

What is the percentage chance that Washington and Oregon don’t end up in the same football conference? 

Extremely unlikely.

Based on the current outlook, the only scenario in which the Huskies and Ducks separate would involve one of them jumping into the Big Ten as Notre Dame’s partner in yet another expansion move.

(We suspect the Big Ten would prefer Stanford over UW or Oregon because of its academic reputation, access to Silicon Valley money and the Bay Area market, plus the number of Big Ten alumni in Northern California.)

However, it’s far more reasonable to expect the Pacific Northwest powers to:

— Remain in the Pac-12– Move together to the Big 12– Move together to the ACC– Move together to the Big Ten

How might that last scenario play out?

If the Big Ten doesn’t stop at 18 teams and instead moves to 20 or 24, it would surely consider creating a western branch and pairing the Northwest and Los Angeles schools.

USC to the Big Ten was a no-brainer. But UCLA? The administration doesn’t care about football. Los Angeles doesn’t care about UCLA football. They haven’t been a top-20 program for years. FOX got the L.A. market with USC. Why not bring Oregon into the Big Ten with USC? 

Several reasons, each of which is rooted in our belief that USC was the primary target, that no westward expansion would have taken place without the Trojans involved, and that the Big Ten wanted a second team to maintain even numbers.

USC surely preferred the Bruins, partly because of the schools’ shared history and alignment at the highest levels of power.

There was undoubtedly a competitive element, as well: Why push for a landscape change that would help Oregon, your chief recruiting rival? Leaving the Ducks behind undermines their efforts in Southern California.

Also, the Big Ten probably preferred UCLA because of its academic reputation and stellar basketball brand.

And don’t forget about Fox, which is the puppet master behind any major Big Ten decisions.

Network executives surely wanted to corner the nation’s No. 2 media market. Had the Bruins been left behind, ESPN could have maintained a foothold in L.A. by securing broadcast rights to the Pac-12.

How does UCLA expect to travel to Indiana, Iowa and Ohio to participate in sports since they are listed in AB-1887? 

An excellent question on the political level.

For those unaware, California Assembly Bill 1887 prohibits the use of public funds to travel to any state deemed discriminatory against the LGBT community. The University of California campuses are included in the list of agencies subject to the law.

There are 22 states on the list, including three in the Big Ten footprint: Indiana, Iowa and Ohio.

So how is UCLA, which receives state funds, permitted to travel to those states?

We asked the school that very question. Here’s the response (via email) from Scott Markley, the Bruins’ senior associate athletic director for communications:

“We have not scheduled a new competition in a banned state since the law was enacted in January 2017. Should UCLA compete or recruit in a banned state, in compliance with the law, none of the costs for travel to that state will come from state funds. In addition, if a team competes in a banned state, student-athletes and staff will receive education about the relevant California law, the law at issue in the destination state and given the choice to opt out of the travel with no risk of consequence.”

In other words, the funds supporting Big Ten travel will be organically generated by the athletic department, not funneled from central campus.

So there you have it.

Could USC and UCLA have buyer’s remorse in five to 10 years because of travel demands on student-athletes in non-revenue sports? 

Actually, we expect some degree of buyer’s remorse for the Olympic sports in the next two years, before the Trojans and Bruins begin play in the Big Ten.

We expect all teams at both schools to charter flights, and the Big Ten will undoubtedly craft a schedule that’s as manageable as possible.

But the sheer number of competitions required for some sports will necessitate a plethora of cross-country trips and many, many nights in hotel rooms.

The schools believe the financial windfall from the move will allow them to provide resources for athletes that wouldn’t have been possible in the Pac-12.

But no amount of money can compensate for lost sleep.

I don’t foresee a substantive level of regret for football or men’s basketball. But some buyer’s remorse feels inevitable, sooner than later, for the Olympic sports.

Does Cal have a football team in five years? If it does, is it just being used to get out of debt? 

This issue is made more complicated by broader forces at work in college sports.

Before wondering if the Bears will field a team, we should address whether they will want to field a team given the likelihood of athletes eventually being declared employees or pseudo-employees.

Will Cal’s administration agree to participate in a competitive landscape where pay-for-play is legal, and unavoidable? We aren’t convinced. (Same for Stanford, by the way.)

As for the Bears’ ultimate landing spot, the chances of finding a home at the Power Five level are better than 50 percent. But it’s hardly assured — more like 60/40 than 90/10.

And yes, the financial factor is massive, not only with football revenue servicing the debt on the stadium renovation but also funding all those Olympic sports.

How different of a position would the Pac-12 be in today had a DirectTV been struck? 

We love what-if questions, and this is one of the biggest.

There isn’t an easy answer, however. A distribution deal cut years ago with DirecTV would have added an estimated $4 million in revenue annually to each school. But that’s chump change compared to the cash awaiting USC and UCLA in the Big Ten.

Also, consider the contractual element: Only by lowering its per-subscriber price could the Pac-12 have met DirecTV’s demands.

But that would have forced the conference to lower the price for other distributors due to the Most Favored Nation clause in the contract, thereby offsetting revenue gains from bringing on DirecTV.

So the real question is:

How different of a position would the Pac-12 be in today if former commissioner Larry Scott had followed a wholly different distribution strategy when launching the Pac-12 Networks?

Possibly quite different.

How desirable are the Arizona schools to the Big 12 or other conferences? Obviously, there are big numbers with the Phoenix market, but does it really mean a whole lot? And could the NCAA investigation into Arizona State play any part of decision-making for conferences? 

Any conference with serious interest in gobbling the Arizona schools might give a moment’s thought to ASU’s issues, but that probably wouldn’t stop the process. Realignment is a long-haul decision, while the expected NCAA sanctions are a short-term matter.

The most important factor is value.

We don’t believe the Arizona schools are significant revenue plays for the Big 12 — they don’t provide enough media rights income to increase the annual distributions for each Big 12 member.

While the Phoenix media market is huge, this isn’t 2011. The number of cable homes isn’t the prime driver of media value for a particular school; you have to move the ratings needle, too.

However, in this environment, value takes many forms. The Big 12 could very well adopt a strength-in-numbers approach: As long as new members don’t prompt a reduction in revenue, the additions are worthwhile for the bulk they provide.

In that regard, the Arizona schools, along with Utah and Colorado, could be appealing.

If an ACC/Pac-12 media partnership emerges, how do the conferences guarantee ESPN that there will still be marquee schools in their respective leagues? 

To a certain degree, you have placed the cart before the horse.

ESPN is Secretariat here. If the network sweetens the pot just enough, the marquee schools will remain in place, at least for the short term. (And in the case of the ACC, a Grant-of-Rights agreement exists until 2036.)

But there is a second step to the calculation, and it depends on Notre Dame.

If the Irish agree to join the Big Ten in the 2026 season, at the start of their next contract cycle, then we could see another round of realignment — perhaps the final round, with the FBS splitting into the long-anticipated upper and lower divisions.

Because of the potential for tumult in 2025-26, a key element in the Pac-12’s survival plan is the schools’ willingness to pledge their media rights to the collective for more than 24-36 months.

Washington and Oregon surely want the shortest contracts possible.

If the Pac-12 has to expand, what targets are actually feasible? 

— The conference has been without A-list options since the door closed on Texas and Oklahoma more than a decade ago.

— It passed on the B-listers (Houston, TCU and perhaps BYU) last summer.

— That leaves C-level options.

Of those, we would place San Diego State and SMU at the top — the Aztecs because of their proximity to Southern California, the Mustangs because of the foothold created in Dallas.

All other football options seemingly reside in the Mountain West, from Fresno State and UNLV to Colorado State and Boise State.

If the conference wants to add a basketball-only school, it need look no farther than Gonzaga.

Has there been any discussion about just separating football and basketball with “super leagues” and then regionalizing conferences (like it was in the past) for the rest? 

The concept has been discussed, but I’m aware of no specific plans.

That said, the NCAA’s transformation process, which should be completed later this year, likely will result in far more freedom for the top football schools.

I don’t expect them to completely break away from the NCAA, but they will become mostly-autonomous entities within the umbrella of intercollegiate sports.

Had that model been in place years ago, many of the current existential challenges might have been avoided.

To have Alabama and Alabama A&M governed by the same entity is nonsensical in every respect.

Tell us your real feelings about the end of 100 years of solid relationships between the original West Coast football schools. 

I knew it was coming, just not this soon.

A week later, part of me still doesn’t believe it’s real.


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Noble Genius
July 12, 2022 2:52 pm

I don’t know how the remainder of conference realignment is going to shake out, but you gotta be pleased with Bohn pulling off the jump from a sinking ship to a giant freighter without anybody even getting their feet wet. We even threw them gutties over our backs in a heroic and merciful act of rescue! I hope we told them on the jump over that ghosting everyone at a stadium waiting to watch them play a bowl game will not be acceptable in a real conference.

Major Genius
July 11, 2022 7:37 am

I have not read or (more than likely) missed the cost for USC to buy out of the PAC whatever. Is 2024 a magical date or just an arbitrary one?
I have been rooting for the Trojans to go independent since the NCAA leveled them. This is the next best thing, and I really want to see the results. Not just the better competition, but also the slow death of the PAC a derm.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 10, 2022 4:49 pm

For what its worth, Rankings (in the nation) of the media markets in what is left of the Pac 10:
Bay Area #6, Phoenix #11, Seattle #12, Denver #16, Portland #21, Salt Lake City #30.

Oregon has Knight to buy their way in, Stanford, Cal and UDUB don’t have the heart for football anymore, the 4 corners together have some media numbers and the heart for football to be attractive.

Noble Genius
July 12, 2022 11:58 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

If Notre Dame ever decided to join the Big Ten, another school would be needed to even the conference numbers supposedly. I’m thinking Uncle Phil is negotiating with ND to sweeten the pot in joining the Big Ten and saying they want Oregon to join them which it would be hard for that conference to reject it. That would be Oregon’s best way in.

Major Genius
July 10, 2022 12:41 pm

Knight has enough power to get this done for Oregon. Nike can easily put enough money behind a conference affiliation to get Oregon in. They will not be left out. Nobody else in the Pac-12 has any leverage at all.

Major Genius
July 10, 2022 12:45 pm
Reply to  Chris

Just read Nike has a 250 million dollar deal with Ohio state alone. They will for sure be a yes vote. 6 other schools are Nike. Maryland is certainly under armor, but they cannot outspend or outbid Phil. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

Noble Genius
July 10, 2022 12:16 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

You can”t blame Oregon for trying to be part of a superconference as they have been trying to be very competitive in football and are not afraid to schedule top teams across the country and beat them. But Washington is another matter. After Chris Petersen left, UDUB has been a consistent loser and their administration doesn’t appear to care enough to pony up for a name HC. If the money was right, they could have found one willing to coach there, like Oregon has. Now all they have is they’re past reputation and that isn’t going to get you invited… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 10, 2022 10:23 am

Been reading twitter accounts of many ACC Beat Writers these last 4-5 days and it seems they are spending many of their waking hours trying to come up with a way they (as teams OR maybe the whole ACC Conference) can Legally get out of this contract I keep hearing about (That supposedly they ALL signed recently)…..And it appears they can not come up with a way to do it …….So Far .But man they are working hard at it still .

Noble Genius
July 10, 2022 11:05 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Maybe this the SC Fan in me but that seems to be putting this in the Pac-12 wants their pound of flesh and/or a bit of revenge on SC and UCLA category. Brings to mind what I heard a divorce lawyer once say “ALL Divorces have the potential to get NASTY ” But SC HAS TO do whats best for SC as far as I am concerned ………..FIGHT ON !!!!!

Major Genius
July 10, 2022 3:43 pm
Reply to  HOF19

One thing is that any team can get out of the contract if they can afford it. It is going to cost a lot of money. Not sure how the ACC process works if they can vote to terminate the contracts. If that happens we could see the beginning of an entirely new conference.

July 9, 2022 2:39 pm

According to this Iowa article, the decision didn’t take long at all. Gary Barta is also CFP Committee Chair, I think for one more year until it passes to another AD. It’s clear ND is next, but also clear if you read between the lines that ND hasn’t applied. Yet.

Major Genius
July 9, 2022 2:24 pm

I just ran across a clip of Colin Cowherd taking credit for USC jumping to the Big 10. He said Mike Bohn called and asked for suggestions for scheduling. Nowhere told him to not schedule Rice, schedule Ohio State and Michigan etc. every year. So I guess we can thank the herd? I wonder if Mike Bohn will contact Scott Wolf next. Allen has got to be on that list too.

Noble Genius
July 9, 2022 9:02 am

I agree with Wilner, the Big Ten probably does prefer Stanford over Oregon due to academics and their record in Olympic sports. But there is little evidence Stanford would try to up its game in football and, it might not want to separate from CAL, which will never do anything but simply hold its hand out for TV money and not bother to earn it. Even though Oregon St. has better academics than Oregon, they as well as WSU just can’;t compete in Power 5 level football and need to move to MWC where they would fit in and be… Read more »

July 9, 2022 4:45 am

I’ve always looked at the different conferences from a geographical perspective when it comes to football. The PAC being West Coast, the SEC as the South, the ACC as the East Coast, etc. I’ve also thought travel played a significant part in what schools comprised a particular conference. With these days of “follow the money” it seems travel is a non-issue if the media money is there. When I heard my alma mater USC was joining the BIG, I immediately thought about our student athletes traveling to Rutgers and Penn State as well as the late October-November weather in Minnesota,… Read more »

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 8, 2022 6:18 pm

I can’t see the Pac 10 surviving. Stanford and Cal screwed themselves with their high and mighty wokeness superiority and may just die. The four mountain schools (AZ, ASU, UofU, UC) go to the big 12, WSU and OSU go to the Mountain West. Oregon and Washington are stuck in the middle.

July 10, 2022 5:34 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I would be surprised if ND didn’t join the Big Ten because of its geographical proximity to several Big Ten schools. SC vs ND as a conference game would be very interesting in both football and basketball. I’m hoping the new SC Baseball Coach can bring us back to a national power. ND went to the CWS this year and showed they have a solid baseball program.

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 5:50 pm

So, if they can break the rights deal in the ACC, how about ND starting a new conference with Clemson, NC, Miami, FL St, Baylor, OK St, Iowa St, Pitt, Duke and maybe a few more. It could rival both the SEC and B1G.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 8, 2022 6:13 pm
Reply to  Steveg

That sounds like a big load to carry off. Starting from scratch with new organization and administration. I don’t see that happening.

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 8:21 pm
Reply to  Steveg

Rival the SEC and B1G? Only if FSU and Miami get back close to their glory days while Clemson stays competitive. With ND, that would give them 4 big dogs.

Noble Genius
July 9, 2022 11:07 am
Reply to  Steveg

If what Wilner says is true, that ND’s contract with NBC is currently 15 million a year and they see the Big Ten & SEC able to secure up to 100 million per school? They will never match that remaining in the ACC no matter what that conference does nor staying independent. And what if NBC chooses to be part of a superconference TV package, which could be quite possible? I really believe ND is quietly positioning itself to get the SEC & Big Ten in a bidding war for their membership for the best deal.

Genius Member
July 9, 2022 11:40 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

The obvious cause of this whole problem is Larry Scott and his terrible financial management. He spent a lot of money on staff but did nothing for the schools. His media rights mistakes caused the Pac12 to be way behind the BIG10 and SEC in media revenue. The result was UCLA close to bankrupt in sports and USC not doing well. This should not have happened with the LA area the second media spot in the nation. Now the problem will be the long travel needed for the games. The BIG10 will have to adjust matches to make travel easier.… Read more »

Genius Member
July 10, 2022 10:12 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Yep. I am sure the late, great John McKay would totally concur.

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 5:48 pm

Wondering if Justin Wilcox is regretting not going to Oregon now. Cal sounds about finished.

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 12:46 pm

Wow a lot to think about. If I were the PAC 12 I’d poach Fresno State and UNLV to replace the Trojans and Bruins. I can only assume the Big 10 wanted USC for football and Ucla for Basketball. I never thought about the woke California laws (which are utterly stupid, trying to control other state’s business) Anyway the losers in this shake up will be the four homecoming teams. (The teams you want to beat soundly for homecoming) Cal,AZ, WSU and Oregon State should make overtures to the Mountain West Conference. They’re close enough to home to not worry… Read more »

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 4:05 pm
Reply to  RialtoTrojan

The PAC 12 or 10 needs brands to prop up potential television contract. Fresno and UNLV do not move the needle. I am not sure there are any on the west coast to get. Apart from USC and Oregon there are no real national programs in the west. The next closest would be BYU, they have a huge fan base. They are also in big 12 because pac didn’t want the religious affiliation. The only real option for pac is to merge or pull away teams from big12.

Major Genius
July 8, 2022 6:07 pm
Reply to  Chris

I do like the idea of a PAC and Big12 or Pac and ACC merger. I hate to see Oregon St and Washington St get screwed.