Finally — Some Real Justice ($$$) for Todd McNair…

USC assistant Todd McNair’s defamation lawsuit against the NCAA settled after 10 years.

McNair was punished by the NCAA for his alleged role in the infractions case involving Reggie Bush (though many would say McNair was unfairly and maliciously punished by the NCAA even though he had no role whatsoever in Reggie Bush’s misdeeds).

Dennis Dodd (CBS Sports)  —  Former USC assistant Todd McNair and the NCAA have settled McNair’s decade-long defamation lawsuit, the two sides announced in a joint statement on Monday. The terms of the settlement were not revealed.

McNair, who was the Trojans’ running backs coach from 2004-10,  sued the NCAA in 2011 after the association said he had knowledge of Reggie Bush’s wrongdoing in the epic case that resulted in major sanctions against USC.

During the case’s litigation, a judge called the NCAA’s infractions report “malicious” toward McNair. The documents that emerged from the trial were among the most damaging ever revealed against the NCAA enforcement process. 

USC was hit with the loss of 30 scholarships and a two-year bowl ban in 2010. McNair was given a one-year show-cause by the NCAA which effectively made him unhirable as a college coach. McNair, now 55, didn’t work again above the high school level until he joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as a running backs coach in 2019. In a sort of circle-of-life coincidence, McNair has now been part of a national championship (2004, USC) and Super Bowl championship (2020, Tampa Bay).

“After ten years of litigation, both sides have come together to resolve this matter to the mutual satisfaction of all parties involved,” the statement said.


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Noble Genius
July 31, 2021 9:49 am

This is what today’s PAC-12 is all about. Picking up the leftovers after the top pickings (sooners & horns) are gone elsewhere. All I can say there’s two persons are mainly responsible for this scenario: The then Chairman of the PAC-12 presidents committee (UCLA chancellor) and a phony commissioner had Oklahoma’s & Texas’ attention a few years back and ready to bolt the Big 12 and come into the PAC-12. Those two programs alone would have prevented what has happened to the PAC-12 today in pure mediocrity! Just another example of idiots driving the bus and expecting their alumns &… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 31, 2021 9:55 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Don’t make me laugh Allen…. that this conference will try to improve individual programs. This conference is in it for the TV money and will continue to support a minimum as it has for the past 50 years. This conference needs to b e blown up and recreated. Watching PAC-12 games today are just like watching MWC-Conference USA games. The qulity isn’t there and you know it.

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 9:02 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

How would you like to be the B12 Commissioner now? I asked a friend of mine, who is an OU grad, what he thought. His reply was the B12 Commissioner should get his resume up to date! Texas has 7 Power 5 teams: UT, A&M, Texas Tech, SMU, TCU, Baylor and Houston. Two will shortly be in the SEC (UT and A&M). What happens to the rest? Iowa has two: Iowa and Iowa St. Kansas has two: Kansas and Kansas St. It is obvious that West VA will now seek to join the ACC. This is certainly an interesting time!

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 9:18 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I think the gap between the Pac and the top 3 widened. Did you see the ranking for SC by those who pick it to win the South? Only one had them in the top 12. If they finish like you and I are picking them, they will not make the top 25.

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 10:47 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, I concede. I was simply wrong in my last post. And I agree. Perhaps the largest problem at SC (and probably in the Pac) is the coaching. With the right coach, SC can be right back in the mix. And, we all know that Helton is not that coach. With him at the helm, SC is lucky to top 30.

Noble Genius
July 31, 2021 10:07 am
Reply to  TrojanRJJ

RJJ the gap increases each year. This conference would struggle playing Conference USA and probably MWC. And yet the PAC feels it deserves being in the playoffs. What a joke.

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 2:08 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

The PAC-12 is like the Cat? It continues to fail upward, just like Uncle Clay.

Major Genius
July 28, 2021 5:49 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I think that would be special. But carol won’t let us have nice things….

Noble Genius
July 31, 2021 10:04 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

And it will be just another excuse for the administrations of this pathetic conference to do nothing other than push to include it into the playoffs. Compete like Conference USA but still cry about getting into the playoffs. Which PAC-12 program do you think could win a playoff game today? I say none of them!

Noble Genius
July 31, 2021 9:56 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Oh big joy, big bad Texas Tech.

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 7:01 am

anybody else thinking that our must win games for the 2023 season are at Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa St, plus home wins against UCLA, Minn, and Washington. This should put us right in line for the Big 10 west title.

Terrific Tommy
July 27, 2021 8:41 am
Reply to  Chris

Chris, I can’t think beyond this coming season. We may or may not have an entire change in our coaching situation in 2023.

Plus, have you been following the unrest of the Nebraska alumni with their coaching staff — especially Frost? Thinking about that game is definitely capable of causing severe brain damage — JMHO

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 2:10 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

The Cat is like a frog in a boiling pot of water. He keeps adapting to the rising water temperature and is oblivious to his dire circumstances….

Major Genius
July 28, 2021 5:51 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

What ever kind of boiling receptacle we need for a cat, I will pony up for buying it. (virtual boiling, boys.)

Terrific Tommy
July 27, 2021 4:19 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Yes Allen, it does seem that way. And he even played for the Cornhuskers.

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 8:56 am
Reply to  Chris

Chris, I wish I knew. I never saw UT and OU to the SEC but it happened. I agree that the most logical more for SC is to leave the Pac and join the B10. But, will it happen? I like a line from the movie “Patton” where Patton says that he has a short window in which his 3rd Army could invade Germany and quickly advance to Berlin from the West, but that window was closing and once closed it was gone forever. I think SC is now in the same position; it has a very short window to… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 9:07 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, my guess is you are correct. SC’s leadership over football has been making bone headed decisions for the last 10 years, why should it stop now? The smart move is to leave. Given the present leadership and SC’s recent decision making, we can count on them NOT making the smart move. I have always felt that what appears to be the “safest” move is unusually the most risky and what appears to the most risky is probably the “safest.” Look at SC’s leadership – caught flat footed and forced to react. I doubt SC’s leadership had a contingency plan… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 8:32 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, thanks for the article. And you nailed the most important quote. It clearly implies (I think it is fact) that the Presidents of the Pac overwhelmingly have no problem with becoming irrevelant in football. The only important exceptions are Oregon and Utah. And perhaps SC. I think we all realize that SC is very much a “perhaps.” You and I agree that Folt would have no problem with SC becoming irrevelant in football, but we also agree if she did so overtly and quickly, her term as President would come to an abrupt end. I think the Pac (over… Read more »

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 8:51 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Pure propaganda. He said what he had to say. At least he understands what has to happen, but if he thinks the Pac can compete in football with the SEC, B10, or ACC over time, he is delusional. The Pac culturally and demographically is about to become irrelevant nationally. UT and OU just filed formal requests to join the SEC. Both schools saw what is coming and adjusted. The issue is what will SC do given what should now be obvious.

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 9:14 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I agree. I was not as clear as I should have been. I think he knows exactly what the problem is. My point is he was saying what he had to say and stating the obvious. The Pac is now in full reactionary mode. It has been totally outmaneuvered by the SEC, B10 and ACC. I think the ACC will react quickly and the B10 more slowly. Look to Covid as a model. The SEC set the example and the ACC followed quickly. The B10 at first balked (and the Pac followed the B10 and the Ivys) and then in… Read more »

Major Genius
July 26, 2021 7:26 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

2nd place in the south would be a massive failure. So that’s most likely what will happen. I think we will have the best defense in the conference and I have no faith in a consistent offense.

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 6:47 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

UCLA is garbage, we will win that game. ND is most likely another loss, same old reasons. We are nearing the end of “buyout is too high” talk. I think this year has to be great, like win pac 12 and finish top 10 great, to even consider keeping him around any longer. Everyone now knows who he is by now, he is firmly settled into the 8-4 coach that we all don’t want.

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 8:47 am
Reply to  Chris

Chris, I think you are wrong on UCLA. They basically their entire team from last year. For example, they return their entire OL, which was very good last year (3rd in the Pac in rushing) and their QB (DTR) who is probably the most athletic QB in the Pac. Last year, SC was lucky to win and the prime reason SC won was Hufanga. The largest problem for UCLA this year is its schedule, which is brutal. They went 3-4 last year, but lost their four games by a total of 15 points. I think UCLA will handle SC this… Read more »

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 9:18 am
Reply to  TrojanRJJ

let me clarify a bit. UCLA is always garbage

Noble Genius
July 27, 2021 9:19 am
Reply to  Chris

On that we agree!

San Diego Trojan
July 26, 2021 4:04 pm

Really happy for Todd, but selfishly wish the NCAA would have been even more exposed during another trial. Im sure Bush is relieved since his actions caused this to begin with. Interesting that for all the “judge and Jury” power the NCAA had 10 years ago, Mark Emmert and his cronies are now just standing by and watching member conferences and schools dictate the future. What happened to an oversight committee looking out for the overall best interests of all its members instead of just the SEC. Looks like they have been permanently neutered, so why not just disband the… Read more »

Major Genius
July 26, 2021 3:10 pm

The NCAA is fast becoming obsolete. Good riddance!

John Weld
Major Genius
John Weld
July 26, 2021 3:18 pm
Reply to  Chris

I think that is why the SEC wants to do a super conference; to eliminate or reduce the relevance of the NCAA. This is darwinism applied to college football.

Terrific Tommy
July 26, 2021 3:34 pm
Reply to  Chris

Right you are Chris — 100%. And along with the Texas/Oklahoma’s potential move to the SEC, big chnages are a coming in a couple year.

Too bad Fatty Dees isn’t still alive to suffer a ton of grief. 😰

Major Genius
July 27, 2021 2:20 pm
Reply to  Terrific Tommy

I still take regular trips to MIA so I can go P_ss on his gravesite. But, I am not bitter about Mr. Dee.

Noble Genius
July 26, 2021 12:57 pm

Couldn’t be happier for TM. He will never truly get back what the NCAA took from him. But the silver lining is if this didn’t happen to him he probably wouldn’t have been with Tampa Bay for the SB.

July 26, 2021 12:17 pm

There is never “mutual satisfaction” when an Agreement is reached. The best resolution is when both sides are not completely happy with the results, but sign anyway. McNair was out of the money for about 8 years except what he received as a high school coach (not much). At his level of coaching expertise I would guess he could have made $750,000 per year times 8 years or $6 million. Compromising down 25% I would guess the settlement was around $4.5 million less costs and attorneys’ fees. Reggie Bush will not apologize to the USC Nation, who was hurt by… Read more »

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
July 26, 2021 12:41 pm
Reply to  LawyerJohn

I wonder how much the recent Supreme Court decision factored in the NCAA willing to settle? A rough 10 years for McNair but in the end he has been on Championship Teams at College and NFL, no small feat.

July 26, 2021 2:16 pm
Reply to  LawyerJohn

Well said Lawyerjohn. I boycott every broadcast Bush is on because he’s never fessed up publicly, let alone issued an apology to all that were damaged by his indiscretions. Apparently he’s met with the USC Administration and got them to lift the ban on him being on campus. He was a great player, but a POS as a person. I really don’t care if he gets his Heisman back. He can’t overturn the injustice he did to all of the coaches, players and fans.

Terrific Tommy
July 26, 2021 11:54 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Amen Allen!!!!