Clueless Clay Helton Finally Bottoms Out USC Football

Commentary: College football Saturday review: USC coach Clay Helton must go after loss to Stanford

The Trojans don’t appear serious about winning anymore, not as long as he’s their leader.

J. Brady McCullough (LA Times)  —  They’ve done everything but the one thing that has to be done to fix USC football. They’ve swapped out nearly every assistant coach, bolstered the recruiting staff and hired away young people who create impressive videos that are meant to make something that isn’t very cool right now look way cooler on social media.

The natural pop culture reference is that USC athletic director Mike Bohn has spent much of his short tenure rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but, days before the Trojans’ latest inexplicable embarrassment — a 42-28 loss to Stanford on Saturday night at the Coliseum — another apt Hollywood comparison for the Clay Helton era at USC casually surfaced.

At a USC practice this week, Helton was asked by a TV reporter, looking for something offbeat, if he’d ever seen “Ted Lasso.”

“One of my favorite shows,” Helton said happily, revealing that the hit feel-good comedy of the pandemic has become his Sunday night go-to.

The reporter continued, “Instead of Xs and Os, because he doesn’t know the game, he is more about psychology. Is that your approach?”

Most head coaches would not have gone any further, but Helton engaged.

“I get to deal with 18- to 21-year-olds. It’s not only the Xs and Os on the field, but you’re also teaching them life,” he said. “The combination of that is what I’ve always liked. I saw my dad coach in the NFL, and my niche was here. I really like being not only their coach, but their friend, their mentor, some of them their adopted father and bringing them along. Maybe that’s the reason I like the show. I appreciate that question.”

That was quite a soundbite. It summed up everything that is novel about the idea of Clay Helton as a major college football coach, the qualities that make you want to root for the guy to rise above his limitations. It also summed up why USC has to move on from Helton as soon as possible: The Trojans don’t appear serious about winning anymore, not as long as he’s their leader.

Those who witnessed Helton’s “Ted Lasso” exchange say the question wasn’t a setup to compare the coach to Jason Sudeikis’ lovable character who has never coached soccer before but is hired to coach a sad-sack British club for the purpose of tanking it, unbeknownst to him. But the fact that it was so easy to fashion Helton as USC’s bungling, affable Lasso points to the problem that Bohn — and USC President Carol Folt — must finally address.

USC fans don’t need to be reminded of the reasons that Helton must go. They’ve been gnawing on them for three years now (heck, some weren’t even swayed by Helton’s 2016 Rose Bowl win and 2017 Pac-12 championship, and those folks turned out to be prescient).

During the 2016 and 2017 seasons, Helton was coaching kids recruited by Lane Kiffin and Steve Sarkisian. Those coaches didn’t re-create the Pete Carroll years either, but they knew how to recruit, particularly Sark. After Sark’s grand fall, Helton must have seemed safe to Pat Haden, then the athletic director trying to stabilize a shaky program.

How bad could Helton be, anyway? USC recruits itself, right? The problem was Haden and his successor, Lynn Swann, were in denial about how far behind the Trojans were in program infrastructure. USC is in this spot today because Swann made the ultimate folly — after the Trojans won the league in 2017, he staged a bidding war with himself and signed an extension so advantageous to Helton that it has kept the USC bean counters from pulling the plug.

It’s important to remember Haden and Swann were King Nero in the scenario of this former empire, not Helton. Clay Helton has given all of himself to USC — it’s just not enough to win when it counts and we’ve known that for a while now.

Bohn has bought himself two years off that extension and whatever is included within the contract that has tied his hands. The time is now to put an end to this.

USC should be better than losing 42-28 to a Stanford team that just got waxed by Kansas State. USC should be better than watching most of the best players from its own backyard playing in all the big games across the country Saturday after Saturday. USC should be better than living in fear of having to buy its way out of mediocrity — the school and its donors certainly used to have the money.

There are only two words left that can fix USC’s tired script with Clay Helton as a leading man:

And cut.


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Major Genius
September 12, 2021 5:27 pm

I said this the other day and it agrees with your premise. “This isn’t my daddy’s USC football.” Back in the day players respected their coaches (bordering of fear) Now we have a coach who is afraid of his players (don’t make a decision that might hurt their ego) and accepts that they don’t respect him. I understand why safety protections have changed the game, but I have also noticed a change from a We attitude to a Me attitude. Players are seen strutting after a routine play as if they’d made the winning point. The coaches don’t just tolerate… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
September 12, 2021 3:26 pm

Another great article, and right on point. Kids have to respect a coach enough to play harder and better than they would have otherwise. Maximize their potential and talent. You see it happen with coaches like Saban and Belichick, and players like Brady and LeBron. They elevate those around them by having proved themselves time and time again , and expect the same effort from those around them. USC players may like Clay as a person, but they don’t respect him enough to lay it on the line because he has no history of sustaining success and development. He’ll never… Read more »

September 12, 2021 3:21 pm

Since the beginning of Helton’s era at SC, intensity has been a major issue. Even in winning situations, like last week with San Jose State. Instead of pushing things to a higher level, the game got boring due to poor intensity.

I have also said, and will continue to say, that Helton makes poor hires. He never hires anyone better than himself. Graham Harrell is a perfect example of his poor hiring. Harrell is a D2 football coach.

Last I checked, SC is a D1 program that under Helton has slipped into mediocrity. Helton needs to go!

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 2:11 pm

Big changes. Surprised at A&M still up there as impotent as they were.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 12:59 pm

Ohio State still top 10?

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 12:47 pm

It is great that the media has finally seen Helton for what he really is, but the real question is will Folt and Bohn do anything any time soon. And if they do will they go after the best or a tired retread?

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 12:02 pm

My frustration with last night’s game isn’t that we lost. It is that we looked like we hadn’t prepared at all and didn’t know what to do. This is a consistent theme with Helton. He doesn’t have the entire team ready to play from week to week

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 12, 2021 12:34 pm
Reply to  TrojanMPA90

There is a lack of depth and experience that is recruiting and development. There is a lack of discipline and accountability that is culture. Both can be changed with the head coach. Culture can be changed quickly, recruiting and development will take time. The next head coach, and I hope and pray it happens soon, may inherit what Chip Kelly did and it may be a long road back. How patient will we be with the new guy?

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 12:43 pm
Reply to  Golden Trojan

It really depends on who the new coach is and where they come from.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:58 am

I understand that Folt wants USC to be a top notch academic university. Having gone to a UC school for my undergrad degree, I completely agree with that. At the same time, you can have a solid football program that is top ranked. A good coach who has been in that environment will understand that and be able to achieve both goals.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 10:30 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

UC San Diego

September 12, 2021 5:15 pm
Reply to  TrojanMPA90

I mean, we just got our arses handed to us – in football – by a top-notch academic university…

John Weld
Major Genius
John Weld
September 12, 2021 6:14 pm
Reply to 

Quite a juxtaposition!

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:45 am

Do you wonder what Bohn and Folt are talking about right now? Would it be about replacing the head coach and going in a different direction? Who do we hire for interim? If it isn’t, then the problem is not just Helton, but the entire administration at USC. When we get someone that simply wants to kick ass and worry about the small stuff later we will turn a corner and come back. Until then, quit supporting such inferior leadership physically and financially. They need mobs of people with signs out in front of the school, in the streets, and… Read more »

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:54 am
Reply to  Steveg


Genius Member
September 12, 2021 4:40 pm
Reply to  Steveg

Seemingly unthinkable but because Bohn is the guy who should fire him, if he continues to stand by him, should Bohn go to!

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:44 am

One hundred years from now……if a USC grad runs into another USC grad at a conference and thinks the speaker is an idiot…….he/she will simply look the other in the eye and whisper……they are a Helton.

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:41 am

The real scary thing was seeing the ball sail away from the quarterback on several downs, which brings back visions of Toa. Has Helton found another love interest?
Just recounting, new Offensive Coordinator, New Defensive Coordinator ( neither of which respect Helton) New Offensive line coach the list goes on… and this is Bohn’s idea of fixing the program?
Should we bring Shaw to Bohn’s office and say, “This is what a head football coach looks like?”

Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:47 am
Reply to  RialtoTrojan

Please, use anyone but Shaw.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
September 12, 2021 11:55 am
Reply to  RialtoTrojan

Toa is the grad assistant “coaching up” the centers!

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:32 am

So Ted Lasso is one of CH’s favorite TV shows? How many other HC’s of major football programs have time to watch TV in the evening? Well evidently Carol Folt’s favorite football coach is so well organized and has all the game film watched & covered, he can. And it shows so well…… when was the last time a kicker was ejected for targeting? And if you saw the tackle, you noticed two Trojans already had the ball carrier halfway down. What a brave “warrior” our kicker is and so disciplined.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:32 am

What a great article. Carol Folt has kept “Ted Lasso” in charge to tank USC Football (while deceptively denying her intent). Allen predicted if Folt allowed SC football to tank (and it has clearly tanked), she would either have to jettison The Cat or lose her job. I still care about SC football ball, but that feeling is waning fast. It is odd; watching an institution I care about being destroyed (but then many institutions I cared about are being destroyed) and there is nothing I can do about it, other than not go to games or support USC financially.… Read more »

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:30 am

It is time for Bohn to act or home games will be played with very few fans in the stands.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:33 am
Reply to  TrojanMPA90

MPA90, I hope that is what happens. As I wrote above, it is one of the three steps that must take place to see change.

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:45 am
Reply to  TrojanMPA90

There has to be a clear signal sent to Folt that is so obvious she can’t ignore it and expect enough supporters she pays attention to swallow a dying quail. A half or worse empty stadium will call the University bean counter’s attention especially as the University is stuck with a hefty lease bill. Other than that, Is anyone sure she cares that much about football?

September 12, 2021 10:38 am

At the time, Clay was a safe hire. We needed an adult to undo the damage that two juveniles (Kiffin and Sark) had done to the program. Those two have since “grown up” and understand what it takes to lead a program. Having mentors like Pete Carroll and Nick Saban will do that for a coach. Clay never had those mentors. He’s still trying to figure it out. The players like him because he connects with them. That doesn’t win games. Winning games is what a football coach has to do. Being the USC coach demands not only producing wins,… Read more »

Noble Genius
September 12, 2021 11:49 am
Reply to  TMC4USC

He probably cuts practices early so the players can watch Ted Lasso too.

Genius Member
September 12, 2021 10:35 am

I could not agree more with Brady. Helton is the problem. Not the players. Not the coaches. Not the support staff. Not the administration. Not the facilities. Helton is the problem and he will always be the problem.