Bennie Wylie Making His Mark On USC

USC feeling the benefits of new off-season regimens

Adam Grosbard (OC Register)  —  LOS ANGELES — As USC players took turns sitting around fold-out tables at media day last week, each one seemed to have their own off-season accomplishments to brag about.

“I lost six pounds of fat, gained five pounds of muscle,” center Brett Neilon reported.

“I was at like 10 [percent body fat] last year,” rush end Korey Foreman said. “Now I’m going into five.”

The man at the center of these developments and the off-season regimen for USC is strength and conditioning coach Bennie Wylie.

After spending January and February readying the roster for spring camp, Wylie prepared off-season regimens for the roster. In addition to the traditional weight and conditioning work, Wylie had the Trojans doing sprinting and cutting and hand-to-hand combat that players likened to wrestling.

Quickly, Wylie and his team of staffers have earned the trust of the USC locker room.

“The strength staff’s elite and they’re professional,” Neilon said. “A lot of us got bigger, stronger and faster. The numbers and the outcomes are there. … [Wylie] trains us like professional athletes and he takes care of guys, too.”

In addition to the actual workouts, Wylie’s team has developed diets to help players hit their weight and body fat goals.

And Wylie gives time to provide special attention to injured players and make sure they don’t fall behind even as they sit out the full team’s workouts.

Soon after a diagnosis, Wylie has turned up with an updated regimen specific to a player and his new limitations.

“Usually when a guy gets hurt, they don’t work out. You’re gonna work out with Coach Wylie,” tight end Malcolm Epps explained. “There’s some part of your body that works, and he’s gonna work it out.”

But after the off-season work, there have been fewer injuries for USC to report than in past training camps. Sure there are players on the sidelines; tight end Jude Wolfe was in a walking boot during Monday’s practice, while defensive backs Jaylin Smith and Latrell McCutchin were in street clothes with what Riley described as “bumps and bruises”.

But for the most part, USC has had a clean bill of health, and a new look, in Riley’s opinion.

“We’ve taken several steps since spring,” Riley said after the first day of camp. “I think the biggest thing I notice right now is a lot of our bodies are starting to change in a way they need to change. You see a little more pop, a little more speed, a little more physicality.”


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John Weld
Major Genius
John Weld
August 10, 2022 6:49 pm

ATTN: Free Digital Copy (pdf) of 2022 Football Media Guide
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Genius Member
August 10, 2022 7:45 pm
Reply to  John Weld

Hi John. Please send me a copy of the media guide. Thanks .

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 10, 2022 7:52 pm
Reply to  John Weld

Thanks John a bunch, please send me the 15 page version.

Major Genius
August 10, 2022 8:16 pm
Reply to  John Weld

I’d like a digital copy. Thank you, John

SC Gator
Genius Member
SC Gator
August 11, 2022 5:41 am
Reply to  John Weld

I’d love a copy. Thanks.

Major Genius
August 11, 2022 7:12 am
Reply to  John Weld

Count me in. Thanks so much, John.

Major Genius
August 11, 2022 7:53 am
Reply to  John Weld

Hi John, could I please get a copy?

August 11, 2022 12:41 pm
Reply to  John Weld

Can you please include me? Thank you

Noble Genius
August 11, 2022 4:22 pm
Reply to  John Weld

John, I’d like a copy also. Thank you.

August 12, 2022 5:51 am
Reply to  John Weld

John, I’d love a copy of the media guide. Thank you for all your hard work and support!

Genius Member
August 12, 2022 8:35 pm

Yes please, Thanks

Major Genius
August 10, 2022 10:18 am

Perhaps the meaning of the name “Student Body Right,” has different interpretations. The obvious one being the formation of plays which McKay used to dominate the PAC for many years. But a more subtle one is the way I interpret it. The right of everyone on the team to earn NIL money. I also don’t think USC is doing anything other than what everyone else is doing. If they are able to dominate others while staying above board, more power to them. On a lighter side, Mrs. Rialto bought tickets to three home games this season. That’s three more than… Read more »

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 10, 2022 11:03 am
Reply to  RialtoTrojan

Great observation on the double meaning of SBR. Kudos to who came up with the name. Hopefully, the right for everyone in every sport to earn some dough.

Major Genius
August 10, 2022 1:33 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

We will see WSU, CAL and Colorado. She is still planning as if Rialto Jr. and his sister are living at home. In other words a 4 person party. 😃 She let me say yes to her selection, but she thinks things are looking batter.

Major Genius
August 9, 2022 7:36 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I’m glad we have a collective, but I wish it weren’t rogue. Not sure how all of this will shake out, but currently it’s no rules at all. Hopefully student body right will keep heads above water.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 9, 2022 9:33 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Agree Allen, competition always breeds a better operation. Hopefully this means 5 star OL recruits will sign on!

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 9, 2022 9:40 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

I guess it is good that USC is trying to keep things above board. But you have to keep pace with what every other big program is doing. I also hope some REAL community service and charity work is actually done. It appears that SBR wants to comply with NCAA rules and California law. So all should be good.

Major Genius
August 10, 2022 6:22 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Yep. I feel like if there is one school that will get sanctioned due to a collective, or least attempted to be sanctioned, it will be us. The NCAA has proven that it will go after USC harder than any other school.

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 10, 2022 7:55 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

If USC is concerned about SBR then we all should be concerned. It is a dilemma, most of the big programs have collectives and some “pay to play” set up. You have to compete in that world for players. How far do you go, what you can get away with, what’s legal or what’s ethical? I don’t have an answer, I don’t know how dirty this will get. I just hope SBR is professional.

Major Genius
August 10, 2022 1:37 pm
Reply to  Golden Trojan

SBR may end up being the replacement for BLVD. I read where BLVD is only committed to sending 50% of what it takes in to the place the donation was given for. What are they doing with the other 50%. If SBR can keep itself out of the recruiting process all will work out well. I personally feel these guys at SBR picked up a ball someone at USC dropped and are going to make it work with or without the blessing of the hierarchy at USC, who is obviously clueless in some areas.

Noble Genius
August 10, 2022 8:53 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Allen, I am with you on this one. I disagree with Chris and GT below. I see no problem whatsoever. Texas is doing this as is Texas Tech. Every school in the B10 and SEC as well as ND and Oregon have “pay for play” NILS. No way will the NCAA try to come after SC. If they are crazy enough to choose SC for a test case, they will get the fight that will kill the NCAA. This administration will fight them (and fight back hard) if it is singled out again. Being part of the Big 10 also… Read more »

Golden Trojan
Major Genius
Golden Trojan
August 10, 2022 10:13 am
Reply to  TrojanRJJ

Overall I think it is great USC has a collective. You have to compete for players like everybody else. The rules and state law are vague so enforcement is probably unlikely. Student Body Right has filed for 501(c)(3) status as a charitable organization, which would make certain donations to the group tax-deductible. BLVD is not a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. So some oversight/audit by the state is possible. The LAT’s article lays all the issues out there pretty well. In the end it is good SC separates itself from SBR, probably good student-athletes have a choice, and SBR and BLVD will… Read more »

Major Genius
August 11, 2022 7:15 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Will the bruins try to make their own baby blue collective NIL? I can see them raising enough to be able to give up to $127.00 per player on their roster. For the entire season. Just outstanding, ucla cheapskates.

Major Genius
August 11, 2022 12:34 pm
Reply to  Allen Wallace

Easy way to earn $10. Isn’t that about ucla can afford? If they raise to much they will have to send half to Cal.

Genius Member
August 10, 2022 2:07 pm
Reply to  Chris

A possible reason that USC is gun shy about the Student Body Right is the unfair sanctions that was imposed on USC before. Now those very actions are encouraged by the NCAA. This is a very unfair use of power and justice. USC is the only school that has been so unfairly sanctioned for we threatened the power of the SEC schools. Miami and Florida had actions that were much worse and a slap on the wrist. The Tenn actions are much worse yet they are not punished. One possible reason is the SEC protects it members while the Pac12… Read more »

San Diego Trojan
August 10, 2022 8:22 am
Reply to  Allen Wallace

It feels like most of today’s recruits have little to no emotional ties to schools growing up, and even if their parents do, are still going to go to the highest bidder under the current guidelines. I’ll be disappointed but not surprised at all if Malachi Nelson goes to Texas A+M because it’s a better monetary offer. Coaches,education, location,and tradition aren’t going to matter as much if there isn’t NIL regulation real soon, IMO

Major Genius
Major Genius
August 9, 2022 4:35 pm

USC is #12 in recruiting
ucla is #80, just ahead of Ball St.
Way to go Chipper.

August 9, 2022 3:25 pm

Citius, Altius, Fortius

Major Genius
August 9, 2022 2:25 pm

Bigger, stronger, better. The hype preseason is always the same. We shall see it on September 3rd the difference. Hopefully is will be huge.

Major Genius
August 9, 2022 4:05 pm
Reply to  Steveg

My reaction exactly. Steveg my hope is that once this will be true. The same old song and dance has gotten old, but at least they’re playing new music.

Noble Genius
August 9, 2022 8:46 pm
Reply to  Steveg

Agreed, for years we have heard the new S&C coach was making the team bigger and better. Only to see the team pushed around by inferior teams and then out of gas by the third qtr.
i hope this year it is really true.